007revad / Synology_HDD_db

Add your HDD, SSD and NVMe drives to your Synology's compatible drive database and a lot more
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NvME drives still not found #361

Open quadcom opened 1 month ago

quadcom commented 1 month ago

I ran into this a long time ago and am only getting back around to troubleshoot this.

I have added two WD Black 1TB NvME SSDs to a 1522+. The script finds the Seagate drives I am using and gets them added to the DB just fine. But it never finds the two NvME drives.

ash-4.4# ./syno_hdd_db.sh  -nrs
Synology_HDD_db v3.5.102
DS1522+ DSM 7.2.1-69057-5
StorageManager 1.0.0-0017

ds1522+_host_v7 version 8045

Using options: -nrs
Running from: /volume1/zzzzz-scripts/syno_hdd_db.sh

HDD/SSD models found: 2
ST10000VN0004-1ZD101,SC60,10000 GB
ST14000NM001G-2KJ103,SN03,14000 GB

No M.2 drives found

No M.2 PCIe cards found

No Expansion Units found

ST10000VN0004-1ZD101 already exists in ds1522+_host_v7.db
ST14000NM001G-2KJ103 already exists in ds1522+_host_v7.db

Support disk compatibility already enabled.

Disabled support memory compatibility.

Max memory is set to 32 GB.
./syno_hdd_db.sh: line 2106: /tmpRoot/usr/syno/bin/synosetkeyvalue: No such file or directory

Disabled drive db auto updates.

  "SC60": {
    "compatibility_interval": [
        "compatibility": "support",
        "not_yet_rolling_status": "support",
        "fw_dsm_update_status_notify": false,
        "barebone_installable": true,
        "smart_test_ignore": false,
        "smart_attr_ignore": false
  "default": {
    "compatibility_interval": [
        "compatibility": "support",
        "not_yet_rolling_status": "support",
        "fw_dsm_update_status_notify": false,
        "barebone_installable": true,
        "smart_test_ignore": false,
        "smart_attr_ignore": false

  "SN03": {
    "compatibility_interval": [
        "compatibility": "support",
        "not_yet_rolling_status": "support",
        "fw_dsm_update_status_notify": false,
        "barebone_installable": true,
        "smart_test_ignore": false,
        "smart_attr_ignore": false
  "default": {
    "compatibility_interval": [
        "compatibility": "support",
        "not_yet_rolling_status": "support",
        "fw_dsm_update_status_notify": false,
        "barebone_installable": true,
        "smart_test_ignore": false,
        "smart_attr_ignore": false

DSM successfully checked disk compatibility.

You may need to reboot the Synology to see the changes.

I also can't see them listed in /dev/ anywhere.

ash-4.4# cd dev
ash-4.4# ls
block               ptyae  ptye9  ptys4  ptyvf  ptyza     synoboot   tty59  ttyd2  ttyqd  ttyu4  ttyxf
bnxt_lfc            ptyaf  ptyea  ptys5  ptyw0  ptyzb     synoboot1  tty6   ttyd3  ttyqe  ttyu5  ttyy0
bsg                 ptyb0  ptyeb  ptys6  ptyw1  ptyzc     synoboot2  tty60  ttyd4  ttyqf  ttyu6  ttyy1
btrfs-control       ptyb1  ptyec  ptys7  ptyw2  ptyzd     tty        tty61  ttyd5  ttyr0  ttyu7  ttyy2
bus                 ptyb2  ptyed  ptys8  ptyw3  ptyze     tty0       tty62  ttyd6  ttyr1  ttyu8  ttyy3
char                ptyb3  ptyee  ptys9  ptyw4  ptyzf     tty1       tty63  ttyd7  ttyr2  ttyu9  ttyy4
console             ptyb4  ptyef  ptysa  ptyw5  ram0      tty10      tty7   ttyd8  ttyr3  ttyua  ttyy5
core                ptyb5  ptyp0  ptysb  ptyw6  ram1      tty11      tty8   ttyd9  ttyr4  ttyub  ttyy6
cpu                 ptyb6  ptyp1  ptysc  ptyw7  ram10     tty12      tty9   ttyda  ttyr5  ttyuc  ttyy7
cpu_dma_latency     ptyb7  ptyp2  ptysd  ptyw8  ram11     tty13      ttya0  ttydb  ttyr6  ttyud  ttyy8
dm-0                ptyb8  ptyp3  ptyse  ptyw9  ram12     tty14      ttya1  ttydc  ttyr7  ttyue  ttyy9
dm-1                ptyb9  ptyp4  ptysf  ptywa  ram13     tty15      ttya2  ttydd  ttyr8  ttyuf  ttyya
dm-2                ptyba  ptyp5  ptyt0  ptywb  ram14     tty16      ttya3  ttyde  ttyr9  ttyv0  ttyyb
fd                  ptybb  ptyp6  ptyt1  ptywc  ram15     tty17      ttya4  ttydf  ttyra  ttyv1  ttyyc
full                ptybc  ptyp7  ptyt2  ptywd  ram2      tty18      ttya5  ttye0  ttyrb  ttyv2  ttyyd
fuse                ptybd  ptyp8  ptyt3  ptywe  ram3      tty19      ttya6  ttye1  ttyrc  ttyv3  ttyye
i2c-0               ptybe  ptyp9  ptyt4  ptywf  ram4      tty2       ttya7  ttye2  ttyrd  ttyv4  ttyyf
i2c-1               ptybf  ptypa  ptyt5  ptyx0  ram5      tty20      ttya8  ttye3  ttyre  ttyv5  ttyz0
kmem                ptyc0  ptypb  ptyt6  ptyx1  ram6      tty21      ttya9  ttye4  ttyrf  ttyv6  ttyz1
kmsg                ptyc1  ptypc  ptyt7  ptyx2  ram7      tty22      ttyaa  ttye5  ttys0  ttyv7  ttyz2
log                 ptyc2  ptypd  ptyt8  ptyx3  ram8      tty23      ttyab  ttye6  ttyS0  ttyv8  ttyz3
loop0               ptyc3  ptype  ptyt9  ptyx4  ram9      tty24      ttyac  ttye7  ttys1  ttyv9  ttyz4
loop1               ptyc4  ptypf  ptyta  ptyx5  random    tty25      ttyad  ttye8  ttyS1  ttyva  ttyz5
loop2               ptyc5  ptyq0  ptytb  ptyx6  rtc0      tty26      ttyae  ttye9  ttys2  ttyvb  ttyz6
loop3               ptyc6  ptyq1  ptytc  ptyx7  sata1     tty27      ttyaf  ttyea  ttyS2  ttyvc  ttyz7
loop4               ptyc7  ptyq2  ptytd  ptyx8  sata1p1   tty28      ttyb0  ttyeb  ttys3  ttyvd  ttyz8
loop5               ptyc8  ptyq3  ptyte  ptyx9  sata1p2   tty29      ttyb1  ttyec  ttyS3  ttyve  ttyz9
loop6               ptyc9  ptyq4  ptytf  ptyxa  sata1p5   tty3       ttyb2  ttyed  ttys4  ttyvf  ttyza
loop7               ptyca  ptyq5  ptyu0  ptyxb  sata1p6   tty30      ttyb3  ttyee  ttys5  ttyw0  ttyzb
loop-control        ptycb  ptyq6  ptyu1  ptyxc  sata2     tty31      ttyb4  ttyef  ttys6  ttyw1  ttyzc
mapper              ptycc  ptyq7  ptyu2  ptyxd  sata2p1   tty32      ttyb5  ttyp0  ttys7  ttyw2  ttyzd
mcelog              ptycd  ptyq8  ptyu3  ptyxe  sata2p2   tty33      ttyb6  ttyp1  ttys8  ttyw3  ttyze
md0                 ptyce  ptyq9  ptyu4  ptyxf  sata2p5   tty34      ttyb7  ttyp2  ttys9  ttyw4  ttyzf
md1                 ptycf  ptyqa  ptyu5  ptyy0  sata2p6   tty35      ttyb8  ttyp3  ttysa  ttyw5  urandom
md2                 ptyd0  ptyqb  ptyu6  ptyy1  sata3     tty36      ttyb9  ttyp4  ttysb  ttyw6  vcs
md3                 ptyd1  ptyqc  ptyu7  ptyy2  sata3p1   tty37      ttyba  ttyp5  ttysc  ttyw7  vcs1
mem                 ptyd2  ptyqd  ptyu8  ptyy3  sata3p2   tty38      ttybb  ttyp6  ttysd  ttyw8  vcs2
memory_bandwidth    ptyd3  ptyqe  ptyu9  ptyy4  sata3p5   tty39      ttybc  ttyp7  ttyse  ttyw9  vcs3
network_latency     ptyd4  ptyqf  ptyua  ptyy5  sata3p6   tty4       ttybd  ttyp8  ttysf  ttywa  vcs4
network_throughput  ptyd5  ptyr0  ptyub  ptyy6  sata4     tty40      ttybe  ttyp9  ttyt0  ttywb  vcs5
null                ptyd6  ptyr1  ptyuc  ptyy7  sata4p1   tty41      ttybf  ttypa  ttyt1  ttywc  vcs6
port                ptyd7  ptyr2  ptyud  ptyy8  sata4p2   tty42      ttyc0  ttypb  ttyt2  ttywd  vcsa
ptmx                ptyd8  ptyr3  ptyue  ptyy9  sata4p5   tty43      ttyc1  ttypc  ttyt3  ttywe  vcsa1
ptp0                ptyd9  ptyr4  ptyuf  ptyya  sata5     tty44      ttyc2  ttypd  ttyt4  ttywf  vcsa2
pts                 ptyda  ptyr5  ptyv0  ptyyb  sata5p1   tty45      ttyc3  ttype  ttyt5  ttyx0  vcsa3
ptya0               ptydb  ptyr6  ptyv1  ptyyc  sata5p2   tty46      ttyc4  ttypf  ttyt6  ttyx1  vcsa4
ptya1               ptydc  ptyr7  ptyv2  ptyyd  sata5p5   tty47      ttyc5  ttyq0  ttyt7  ttyx2  vcsa5
ptya2               ptydd  ptyr8  ptyv3  ptyye  sg0       tty48      ttyc6  ttyq1  ttyt8  ttyx3  vcsa6
ptya3               ptyde  ptyr9  ptyv4  ptyyf  sg1       tty49      ttyc7  ttyq2  ttyt9  ttyx4  vg1
ptya4               ptydf  ptyra  ptyv5  ptyz0  sg2       tty5       ttyc8  ttyq3  ttyta  ttyx5  vga_arbiter
ptya5               ptye0  ptyrb  ptyv6  ptyz1  sg3       tty50      ttyc9  ttyq4  ttytb  ttyx6  vhost-scsi
ptya6               ptye1  ptyrc  ptyv7  ptyz2  sg4       tty51      ttyca  ttyq5  ttytc  ttyx7  zero
ptya7               ptye2  ptyrd  ptyv8  ptyz3  sg5       tty52      ttycb  ttyq6  ttytd  ttyx8  zram0
ptya8               ptye3  ptyre  ptyv9  ptyz4  shm       tty53      ttycc  ttyq7  ttyte  ttyx9  zram1
ptya9               ptye4  ptyrf  ptyva  ptyz5  snapshot  tty54      ttycd  ttyq8  ttytf  ttyxa
ptyaa               ptye5  ptys0  ptyvb  ptyz6  stderr    tty55      ttyce  ttyq9  ttyu0  ttyxb
ptyab               ptye6  ptys1  ptyvc  ptyz7  stdin     tty56      ttycf  ttyqa  ttyu1  ttyxc
ptyac               ptye7  ptys2  ptyvd  ptyz8  stdout    tty57      ttyd0  ttyqb  ttyu2  ttyxd
ptyad               ptye8  ptys3  ptyve  ptyz9  synobios  tty58      ttyd1  ttyqc  ttyu3  ttyxe

I pulled each of the drives and added them to my Win10 system using a USB adapter. Disk Management found them and wrote a GPT table. I created a partition but did not format it. Put the drives back in and still, the system does not see the two SSD's.

Any ideas on what to try next?

007revad commented 1 month ago

My first thought was you have M.2 SATA SSDs instead of M.2 NVMe drives... but WD Black are NVMe.

Check if there's any dust in the M.2 slots. Also check that the NVMe drives are fully inserted into the M.2 slots. And the NAS is shut down when you insert them.

I would actually delete the GPT table because DSM has a habit of not seeing drives that have Windows partitions on them.

Maybe also try without the 10Gbe add-in card installed just to see if that makes a difference..