1000nettles / hey-wait

“Hey, Wait!” is a FoundryVTT module allowing a GM to place “event triggers” on a scene.
MIT License
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Feature Request: non-rectangular event triggers #10

Closed HisWatchIsEnded closed 3 years ago

HisWatchIsEnded commented 3 years ago

Would be amazing to draw elliptical or polygonal triggers, instead of just rectangles.

The use-case here I'm thinking of would be the range of vision of a guard in a tower at night (darkvision out to 60ft). Player token moves inside of visual range, and then "Hey Wait!"

Also, polygonal would be really useful for hex grid maps.

1000nettles commented 3 years ago

I really do like this idea, but since the Hey, Wait! tiles are using the tiling system in Foundry which is locked to rectangles, I don't think it's doable without a major refactor :( Sorry, but I'll close this one for now.