Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies Library for Python. Includes a fully functional wallet, Mnemonic key generation and management and connection with various service providers to receive and send blockchain and transaction information.
srv = Service(network=NETWORK)
pk = w1.wif()
k = HDKey(pk, network=NETWORK)
fee = srv.estimatefee(2)
value = 200000
addr_to = 'LUm3rxLbwTFNzNrgKZQXNYSCt6ybNNMiCQ'
utxos = Service(network='litecoin').getutxos(k.address())
t = Transaction(network='litecoin', fee=fee, witness_type='segwit')
for utxo in utxos:
t.add_input(utxo['txid'], utxo['output_n'], value=utxo['value'], witness_type='segwit')
value += utxo['value']
t.add_output(value - fee, addr_to)
tx = srv.sendrawtransaction(t.raw)
error log.
2022/12/11 17:33:23 WARNING <module>(67) Could not include fastecdsa library, using slower ecdsa instead.
2022/12/11 17:33:26 WARNING _provider_execute(213) Aborting, max errors exceeded: ['blockcypher.litecoin', 'blockchair.litecoin', 'litecoreio.litecoin']
Code im using
error log. gives out
help would be appriciated