132nd-vWing / TRMA

Training Mission Arctic
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Scripting request: AI Drones in range 33 #30

Open 132ndNeck opened 2 days ago

132ndNeck commented 2 days ago

@132nd-Entropy Request support to scripting to implement drones in range 33 (loosely based on AI drones in MOA 1 on ATRM: https://github.com/132nd-vWing/ATRM/issues/113 https://github.com/132nd-vWing/ATRM/issues/125).

132nd-Entropy commented 1 day ago

I will work on implementing that basically in the same way as it is currently in the ATRM. However, I think a lot of improvements could be made. Im happy to implement what is being decided, but I'd need some help and input:

Just some ideas to get started

before working on it, I'd be good to brainstorm a bit about the design first, then get it Neck-approved, then we implement

Shadoga commented 1 day ago

A.I. Fighter Drones Request:

Listing: Type; Loadout; Country / Skin; Reaction Distance

All types should be spawnable in either a single-, a two- or a four-ship group. All spawned groups should be de-spawnable. All A.I. fighters should be set to Skill Level "Trained" at max, to avoid unrealistic OP BVR behaviour.

We need those spawnable A.I. drone groups in other Ranges as well, in order to be able to have multiple blue flights from multiple squadrons train BVR DACT against A.I. in different Ranges simultaneously. For example in Ranges 21 & 24 (A.I. groups spawning in each range's eastern part) in order to have drones flying over land so that we can practice radar work against ground clutter. Or in ranges 22 & 23 (eastern parts) to have red drones assist as red CAP in scenarios.

I'd furthermore like to request to install minimum one, better more, Ranges where BFM and ACM can be practiced. Not only against human players, but also against one- and two-ship A.I. drone groups of the abovementioned types (except for MiG-31) - spawnable with either guns-only or SRM loadouts. We can use the already existing ranges for that as well, but in this case should have the A.I. drone groups spawn closer to the blue range entry directions - in order to have around 20 NM setups instead of 100+ NM setups. However, the BFM/ACM range(s) need to be close enough to ENBO to be able to go there without external fuel tanks and still practice multiple setups. For example in the yet unused airspace South and East of ENBO, between TMA and Range 23.

That in total would be a significant and long desired improvement over ATRM and a really helpful air combat training infrastructure.

Shadoga commented 23 hours ago

Randomized Types and Loadouts are a good idea but should not be the only option. I think it is more often desirable to be able to chose opponent type and loadout specifically for preplanned tactics and training goals instead of always going against random and having to improvise...

132nd-Entropy commented 22 hours ago

Thanks for the detailed feedback, fantastic work!

As I wrote, I'd request the templates to be placed in the ME (not written here by text) and set to late activation, if at all possible.

Once we have the templates, using all (or some) of them in other ranges is super easy, but I suggest to create the design and implementation for Range 33 first of all.

Once we have that, copying that over to other ranges will be super easy with just a few clicks.

So please lets keep this issue #30 reserved for one range and talk about more ranges with this functionality later/at another place.

that said, I agree fully with you on all the other points you made:

we could make the spawing procedure like this:

F10menu / Range Control / Range 33:

------Spawn (insert name of template) ------------1Ship 2 Ship 4 Ship -------------------WVR BVR

so the user would have to click 3 times to select template, x-ship, close or far away

all we'd have to do is define a close and far away area (see my point above with a late activated unit who's route is a polygon

also AI drones will not leave the range boundary ofc

132nd-Entropy commented 22 hours ago

Randomized Types and Loadouts are a good idea but should not be the only option. I think it is more often desirable to be able to chose opponent type and loadout specifically for preplanned tactics and training goals instead of always going against random and having to improvise...

fully agree. randomization is just one of the available options

132nd-Entropy commented 22 hours ago

ofc, instead of choosing BVR WVR based on the template, the spawn distance can already be decided, as you suggest, one click less for the user.

132nd-Astero commented 17 hours ago

Here is just my extra opinion for discussion:

If possible, please consider adding one more extra group with ECM constantly enabled for basic A2A training in ECM environment.

RedDog132nd commented 5 hours ago

if at all possible I'd love to also have the possibility to have unaware AI like transport or drones (MQ-1) rather than opponent. The resonning behind that is that the 388th does very often dissimilar training with the F-14 or F-18 guys So we don't really lack resource to train AA agains similar or dissimilar blue aircraft. We do not train much against Migs/Sukhoi so I'd give them a higher priority than western fighters as AI in this scenario. On the other hand, training baseline intercepts or slow mover escorts is not scripted and could benefit unaware AI. I think for that AI drones and transport are a great assets

I'd also love to see training against cruise missiles, launched from big soviet bombers but I don't know if the ranges are big enough for that.

132nd-Entropy commented 2 hours ago

if at all possible I'd love to also have the possibility to have unaware AI like transport or drones (MQ-1) rather than opponent. The resonning behind that is that the 388th does very often dissimilar training with the F-14 or F-18 guys So we don't really lack resource to train AA agains similar or dissimilar blue aircraft. We do not train much against Migs/Sukhoi so I'd give them a higher priority than western fighters as AI in this scenario. On the other hand, training baseline intercepts or slow mover escorts is not scripted and could benefit unaware AI. I think for that AI drones and transport are a great assets

I'd also love to see training against cruise missiles, launched from big soviet bombers but I don't know if the ranges are big enough for that.

absolutley! Fantastic idea