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Document intake research - talk to FOIA processors #670

Open ericadeahl opened 9 years ago

ericadeahl commented 9 years ago

Talk to people at 2 agencies to understand how document intake works / how they would like it to work

rjmajma commented 9 years ago

I will arrange time with GSA and one non-CFPB FOIA processor.

khandelwal commented 9 years ago

Planning wasn't ready so this wasn't schedule.

1 is scheduled. 2 ephemeral.

rjmajma commented 9 years ago

Other interviews still need to be scheduled.

ericadeahl commented 9 years ago

@rjmajma could you please add your notes from Marty's interview here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/#folders/0BwIuL4Fu2PENVFhRXzdIN1FHdFE/0BxG1cKzKArZmSWlMYzFmcWQzbTA/0BxG1cKzKArZmSklMdUJFOWwzTGM/0B4-jR19N8nwmfnY3THZ1VjVtNVpvTGxQdXZIanZuTjZLODJ6VFRFYUE4bnpLQ3pXVjRmVGc/0B4-jR19N8nwmfk5OVGxVMVBYVmh2dkdYejBqTjVESmQ2WlZZYjVHTmtXTjBkTENEYWtnZDg

rjmajma commented 9 years ago

I took notes on VZ's computer, so he would have to add them. Hey @vz3!