18F / data-inventory

18F's contributions to the GSA enterprise data inventory and public data listing
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18F Team API #18

Closed harrisj closed 8 years ago

harrisj commented 9 years ago

As noted by @mbland, this API supersedes the current Hub APIs (see issues #11 and #12)

harrisj commented 9 years ago

Current Issues:

mbland commented 9 years ago

I can be the POC, but hopefully there will be more than one. Or can we specify https://github.com/18F/team-api.18f.gov/issues/?

The human-readable documentation doesn't really exist yet outside of the .about.yml schema. We should probably schema-fy all of team-api.18f.gov.

https://team-api.18f.gov/public/api/ is publicly-accessible. https://team-api.18f.gov/api/ is 18F-internal.

gbinal commented 9 years ago

POC needs to be a person and we just need one. We'll put you down for now.

gbinal commented 9 years ago

re: accessLevel - I think that this should actually be 2 records, one public, one non-public. The rest of the metadata can be the same except that the descriptions briefly say that one is the publicly-accessible team information and the other includes internal information.

https://team-api.18f.gov/public/api/ and https://team-api.18f.gov/api/ appear to be the human readable documentation we should like to. Each of them then have 8-10 endpoints linked from those pages that we should put in as endpoints.

harrisj commented 9 years ago

One last question. How should title these APIs? I'm currently thinking

But let me know if you think we should change this to something else

gbinal commented 9 years ago

I'd suggest adding 'Internal' to the first.

harrisj commented 9 years ago

One last thing before I submit this to GSA. What should the keywords for this API be in data.gov? Right now I just have 18f, documentation but that seems limited

mbland commented 9 years ago

Right now, I honestly don't know. We're still in the discovery phase, effectively.

gbinal commented 9 years ago

How about:

It's okay to ship with that.

mbland commented 9 years ago

Sure, but isn't "api" as an API keyword a little redundant? :wink:

gbinal commented 9 years ago

Not in this case. It's not an API keyword, it's a data catalog keyword.