18F / knowledge-sharing-toolkit

[EXPERIMENTAL] Docker components for the knowledge sharing toolkit
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Knowledge sharing toolkit

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The knowledge sharing toolkit contains the Hub, 18F Pages, and Team API. These are lightweight services that enable a team to collect and radiate institutional knowledge and information. This project contains Docker components for these services, to enable rapid deployment of the entire suite.

Non-Dockerized production system

Since the Dockerized system is still running in staging, this repo also contains the scripts need to install and run the non-Dockerized system environment. It uses the same directory layout as the Dockerized system.

Packaging convention

All scripts and service packages are installed under /usr/local/18f on both Dockerized and non-Dockerized systems.

Each service package contains the following:


These steps are necessary on your development machine. They are included in the Deployment section below as well.

  1. Install Ruby on your system. The ./go script command line interface requires version 2.3.0 or greater. You may wish to first install a version manager such as rbenv to manage and install different Ruby versions.

  2. Install Docker on your system. The commands encapsulated in the ./go script are based on version 1.10.0.

  3. Run docker-machine start to start the Docker host, followed by eval $(docker-machine env) to configure your shell environment.

  4. After cloning this repository, install all the images by running ./go build_images within your copy of the repository.

Deployment using Docker

  1. Install your public SSH key on the remote host machine.

  2. Set the REMOTE_HOST and REMOTE_ROOT variables in the ./go script as necessary.

  3. Run ./go init_remote if running on a brand new server. Otherwise run ./go sync_remote to bring the server up-to-date with any changes.

  4. Get the bundle of files containing secret data (SECRETS_BUNDLE_FILE in the ./go script) and run ./go push_secrets to install them on the remote host.

    These files are all masked out of the repository by the .gitignore file.

  5. Run ./go ssh_remote to log into the remote host. The working directory will be the root of the repository on the remote host.

  6. Follow all of the steps from the Installation section above.

  7. Run ./go start to bring up all the system components, and ./go stop to stop them all.

Installation and deployment without Docker

Do all of the same installation deployment steps as above, except do not install Docker or run ./go start. Then:

  1. Run sudo mkdir /usr/local/18f

  2. Run sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /usr/local/18f

  3. Run cp -R bin oauth2_proxy hmacproxy authdelegate pages lunr-server team-api nginx /usr/local/18f/

  4. Run sudo cp logrotate.d/* /etc/logrotate.d/

  5. Update the localhost line of /etc/hosts to read: localhost oauth2_proxy hmacproxy authdelegate pages lunr-server team-api nginx
  6. Run /usr/local/18f/install.sh to install all of the packages.

  7. Run /usr/local/18f/start.sh to start the system.

Running the Dockerized version locally

  1. Add the following to the /etc/hosts file of your development machine, commenting out any services you're not currently attempting to emulate locally:

    # Testing locally with 18F/knowledge-sharing-toolkit
    # Run `docker-machine env` to get the current IP. auth2.18f.gov pages2.18f.gov pages2-staging.18f.gov pages2-internal.18f.gov pages2-releases.18f.gov team-api2.18f.gov hub2.18f.gov handbook2.18f.gov
  2. Get a copy of the SECRETS_BUNDLE_FILE from someone or run ./go fetch_secrets to get a bundle of the secret config files from the server. Then run ./go unpack_secret_bundle to unpack the secret files into your repository.

    If git status shows any of these files appearing in your working directory, file a pull request to add them to .gitignore immediately.

    • Alternatively, you can update the config files in each image's config/ directory to not depend on these secrets, to fill them in with dummy data, and/or to not serve SSL.
  3. Bring the entire system up using ./go start. You should be able to access any of the hosts from your /etc/hosts file that you've configured, and have the content served by the Dockerized system running locally.

    You can halt the entire system with ./go stop.

Rebuilding specific images

To rebuild one or more specific images:

$ ./go build_images <image_name_0> ... <image_name_n>

For example, this will attempt to rebuild oauth2_proxy, hmacproxy, and team-api:

$ ./go build_images oauth2_proxy hmacproxy team-api



An image that contains all of the tools needed for the images.


An image that pins the versions of Go, Ruby, Python, and Node.js. Also, the basis for rest of the images in this repository.


oauth2_proxy enables nginx to authenticate requests using an OAuth2 provider; in our case, MyUSA.


hmacproxy enables nginx to authenticate requests using HMAC signatures.


authdelegate nginx to delegate authentication of Team API requests to both oauth2_proxy and hmacproxy, allowing both browser-based (OAuth2) and machine-based (HMAC) access to the same endpoints.


18f-pages-server is the server behind 18F Pages, the GitHub Pages-like service for publishing Jekyll-based sites.


lunr-server is an early, experimental lunr.js-based search backend that performs a search across statically-generated corpora from the Hub and 18F Pages. The corpora are generated by the jekyll_pages_api_search Jekyll plugin included in the Hub and 18F Pages sites.


The team-api-server publishes organizational metadata in the form of a complete graph between people, projects, locations, skills, and interests.


A custom nginx web server build that builds with OpenSSL v1.0.2, enabling HTTP/2.


If you'd like to contribute to this repository, please follow our CONTRIBUTING guidelines.

Public domain

This project is in the worldwide public domain. As stated in CONTRIBUTING:

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.