18F / ops-improvements

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Create language on simplified travel policy for new templated agreements #25

Open ethanheppner opened 7 years ago

ethanheppner commented 7 years ago


In signing, the agency agrees that all travel conducted in execution of this agreement will follow GSA TTS travel policies, which may be different and less restrictive than the agency's own travel policies. TTS is unable to enforce non-GSA travel policy, so the client agency agrees in advance to reimburse all travel expenses that follow GSA policy. Areas in which policy differs include (but are not limited to):

Approval of instances of travel:

Under no circumstances will travel be approved outside the dates of the MOU or in excess of the amount available in the budget.

Reimbursement approval requirements:

In addition to having travel authorized by the procedure above, claims for travel reimbursement have the following requirements:

Reporting services available to client agencies

Client agencies may request a standard report of the travel related to their agreement with TTS at any time at no cost. The standard report rendered will be provided in this format, and can be provided within 5 business days. Receipts may also be requested, though it may take up to an additional 10 business days to produce those as well and will be assessed at 0.1 billable hours per report.

^^ Can we charge a service fee for this? It can be time-consuming for larger projects. Relatedly, can we charge a per instance travel fee as well? Technically projects that don't require travel are subsidizing ones that do from an administrative costs standpoint.

ethanheppner commented 7 years ago

@amythodelawson: this is ready for your review. I can come up with a template for the Approvals of instances of travel spreadsheet if you think this idea is worth pursuing further.