1995eaton / chromium-vim

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Sometimes searching for a word that begins with R reloads the page #747

Open colossatr0n opened 2 years ago

colossatr0n commented 2 years ago

Sometimes searching for a word that begins with R reloads the page.

e.g., press / (search bar appears), type 'r', and page reloads.

This doesn't happen all the time, but it seems to happen on pages that are using a lot of resources.

It happens with other commands too, such as using the buffer command shift+b. I'll press shift+b, type the letter t and it'll switch to the new tab command.

crates51 commented 2 years ago

I too have this problem, sometimes pressing / doesn't seem to let you input characters, and if pressing characters, cvim will interpret them as commands, the same goes for t(new tab), and :(command line); its somehow annoying