1activegeek / docker-airconnect

AirConnect container for turning Chromecast into Airplay targets
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Cannot launch ARM version with new image #37

Closed IMNotMax closed 2 years ago

IMNotMax commented 2 years ago

Hi, First, as usual thanx for your amazing work ! I have an issue since the latest-arm image is not available. Using docker-compose, I run

    image: 1activegeek/airconnect   #1activegeek/airconnect:latest-arm
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
    container_name: airconnect
      - TZ=America/Montreal
      - ARCH_VAR=arm

But the image only contains -x86-64 version of the binaries. (logs show arm version are missing)

If I clone your repo, and create the image locally, everything works great.

Am I missing something ? Thank you for your help.

(docker on raspberry pi 3 fully updated)

UPDATE : My new docker-compose file :

#    image: 1activegeek/airconnect
      context: ./docker-airconnect/
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.armhf
    image: airconnect:Vmax
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
    container_name: airconnect
      - TZ=America/Montreal
      - ARCH_VAR=arm

Update 2: For those less "techies":

pi@RasPiDomus:~ $ git clone https://github.com/1activegeek/docker-airconnect.git

if "git" is missing on your machine:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install git

if you are using docker-compose file, the above config works if you clone the repo in the same directory your docker-compose.yml is. if you just use docker instructions, go to the docker-airconnect directory and type the instruction below (don't forget the last dot (.))

pi@RasPiDomus:~/docker/docker-airconnect $  docker image build -t Your_Image_Name -f /Path/To/Repo/Doeckerfile-armhf .

here a working example: pi@RasPiDomus:~/docker/docker-airconnect $ docker image build -t airconnect:test -f /home/pi/docker/docker-airconnect/Dockerfile.armhf .

AllMightySauron commented 2 years ago

Hi @1activegeek ,

Same problem here. It seems binaries for airconnect are not in arm64 format.


IMNotMax commented 2 years ago

@AllMightySauron you can use the way I describe above with arm64 instead of arm-hf !

1activegeek commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reports. Please see #36 - this was discovered and I have a fix in the dev channel. Can you try running the container using the :dev tag instead of :latest? Please report back. If you don't mind, also please respond on #36 so that I can keep it streamlined with all the folks who may be testing this version. I'll mark this as a duplicate.