2009scape / 2009scape.github.io

A remake of the 2009 era Runescape Website
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What to do with non-functional pages #248

Open PureTryOut opened 8 months ago

PureTryOut commented 8 months ago

Due to the website currently being a static dump of the old interactive website a lot of things currently don't really work. Examples:

There is probably more. If the goal is archival than I would rather let that be done by the Wayback machine (for example https://web.archive.org/web/20091208041147if_/http://www.runescape.com/title.ws) or keep that in a separate repo. Currently this repository is quite big to clone because of a lot of this stuff and it doesn't even represent the current state of 2009scape.

What are your thoughts?

Ceikry commented 8 months ago

bug report page should be removed, we already have the forums and gitlab itself.

Adventurer's log might see an implementation one day when we have a better API.

The old forum is there for archival purposes, and could theoretically just be scrapped.

itemdb_rs showing """outdated""" prices is completely and entirely the most useful thing on the website. Knowing the prices of things as they were authentically in 2009 is a good guidance/reference point for how the economy of 2009scape itself should work.

The old polls are also kinda useful, but could be axed too. Not particularly necessary.

PureTryOut commented 8 months ago

Knowing the prices of things as they were authentically in 2009 is a good guidance/reference point for how the economy of 2009scape itself should work.

Fair. In that case however it would be nice to link to it from somewhere, but at those pages make clear that it's about old prices which do not reflect the current game. I'll make a PR for it.

ryannathans commented 8 months ago

The adventurer's log could be implemented once I have fleshed out my API a bit more. If we could get some high level requirements I'll know what to flesh out

dginovker commented 8 months ago

From https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/Adventurer%27s_Log?oldid=2090380

* Quest complete: <quest>
* <n> Quest points obtained (every 10 quest points)
* Levelled up <skill> (whenever a skill is levelled)
* <n> total levels gained (every 100 levels)
* Every 2,000,000 experience trained after 99
* Levelled all skills over <n> (based on the level of the lowest skill)
* I killed <player>
* I killed <monster>
* Item found: <item>
* Number songs unlocked (every 100 songs)
* Defeat a Champion in the [Champions' Challenge](https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/Champions%27_Challenge)
* Completing a holiday event.

Maybe we could ask on the forums what people would like to see as well

ryannathans commented 8 months ago

Surely "I killed" and "item found" are for rares/bosses only?