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Release for windows compiled #7

Open iHaagcom opened 6 months ago

iHaagcom commented 6 months ago

Is there any chance a compiled release could be added for Windows users I’m unable to compile with mingw and openblas

git-greetings[bot] commented 6 months ago

Thanks @iHaagcom for opening this issue!


git-greetings[bot] commented 6 months ago

First issue by @iHaagcom

Issues Details of @iHaagcom in seamless_communication : OPEN CLOSED TOTAL
1 0 1
codeautopilot[bot] commented 6 months ago

Potential solution

To solve the task, we need to provide a pre-compiled release for Windows users and update the documentation to guide them on how to download and install it. Additionally, we need to ensure that the build process is adapted to work on Windows, which involves modifying the CMakeLists.txt, setup.py, and Makefile to handle Windows-specific build steps and dependencies.

How to implement





By implementing these changes, we can provide a seamless experience for Windows users to download and use the pre-compiled release without the need to compile the software themselves.

Click here to create a Pull Request with the proposed solution

Files used for this task:

Changes on README.md To address the user's request for a compiled release for Windows users, we need to update the README.md with instructions for downloading and installing the pre-compiled Windows release, once it is available. Since the user is unable to compile with mingw and openblas, providing a pre-compiled release would be beneficial. Here's a practical proposal for updating the README.md file: 1. Add a new section titled "Windows Installation" under the "Quick Start" section. 2. In this new section, provide a link to the pre-compiled Windows release once it is available. This could be hosted on a platform like GitHub Releases or another file hosting service. 3. Include step-by-step instructions on how to install the pre-compiled release on a Windows system. This should cover any prerequisites, such as installing necessary runtime libraries or setting environment variables. 4. Mention any system requirements or dependencies specific to the Windows release. 5. If there are known issues or limitations with the Windows release, document them in this section to set user expectations. Here's an example of how the new section might look: ```markdown # Quick Start ## Windows Installation We now provide a pre-compiled release for Windows users. You can download the latest version from [Windows Release Download Link]. ### Prerequisites - Ensure you have the following installed: - Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable - Any other necessary runtime libraries ### Installation Steps 1. Download the pre-compiled release from the link above. 2. Unzip the downloaded file to your preferred location. 3. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. 4. Optionally, add the installation directory to your system's PATH environment variable for easier command-line access. ### System Requirements - Windows 10 or later - x64 architecture ### Known Issues - Currently, there is no support for GPU acceleration on Windows. - Some advanced features may not be available in the pre-compiled release. Please report any issues you encounter using the pre-compiled release on our [Issues Tracker]. ``` Remember to replace placeholder text like `[Windows Release Download Link]` and `[Issues Tracker]` with actual URLs once they are available. By providing clear instructions and resources for Windows users, we can help them get started with the software without the need for compiling from source, which should address the user's issue.
Changes on ggml/CMakeLists.txt To modify the `CMakeLists.txt` file to support building on Windows with mingw and OpenBLAS, you can follow these steps: 1. **Detect the Windows Platform**: Add checks to determine if the build is happening on Windows. 2. **Set Compiler Options**: Adjust compiler options for Windows, especially if using mingw. 3. **Find or Download Dependencies**: Ensure that CMake can find or download the correct versions of mingw and OpenBLAS. You may need to use `find_package` or `ExternalProject_Add` for OpenBLAS. 4. **Handle Windows-Specific Libraries**: Windows may require linking against specific libraries not needed on other platforms. 5. **Adjust Installation Paths**: Windows uses different paths for libraries and executables, so adjust the installation paths accordingly. Here's an example of how you might start modifying the `CMakeLists.txt` file: ```cmake # ... existing content ... # Detect if we are on Windows if(WIN32) # Set Windows-specific flags and options # For example, if using mingw: set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++") # Find or download OpenBLAS # This is a placeholder for the actual find/download commands # You might need to use find_package(OpenBLAS) or similar # If OpenBLAS is not found, you could use ExternalProject_Add to download and build it endif() # ... rest of the existing content ... # At the end of the file, you may need to adjust installation paths for Windows if(WIN32) install(TARGETS your_target_name RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib/static) endif() ``` Please note that this is a starting point and you will need to fill in the details, especially for finding or downloading OpenBLAS. You may also need to handle other Windows-specific build issues as they arise. Remember to test the build process on a Windows machine to ensure that everything works as expected. Once the build process is confirmed to work, you can then proceed to create a compiled release for Windows users.
Changes on setup.py To address the user's request for a compiled release for Windows users, we need to update the `setup.py` script to include a configuration that allows building a Windows executable or installer package. Here's a practical proposal for modifying the `setup.py` file: 1. **Add Windows Support**: Ensure that all dependencies listed in `install_requires` are compatible with Windows. If any of the dependencies do not support Windows or require special handling, find alternatives or provide instructions for Windows users. 2. **Windows Executable**: Consider using a tool like `pyinstaller` or `cx_Freeze` to create a standalone Windows executable. These tools can be added to the `setup.py` as additional dependencies and configured to create an executable. 3. **Installer Package**: For creating an installer package, you can use tools like `nsis` or `Inno Setup`. These tools are not directly integrated with `setuptools`, but you can create a script that runs after the `setup.py` build process to create an installer from the generated distribution files. 4. **Testing**: After making changes, it's crucial to test the build process on a Windows machine to ensure that the executable or installer is created correctly and that the application runs as expected. 5. **Documentation**: Update the documentation in the `README.md` file to include instructions for Windows users on how to download and install the pre-compiled release. Here is an example of how you might integrate `pyinstaller` into your `setup.py`: ```python from setuptools import find_packages, setup from setuptools.command.install import install import subprocess import sys class CustomInstallCommand(install): def run(self): install.run(self) if sys.platform == 'win32': subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'PyInstaller', '--onefile', 'your_script.py']) setup( # ... [existing setup code] ... cmdclass={ 'install': CustomInstallCommand, }, # ... [rest of the existing setup code] ... ) ``` In this example, a custom install command class is created to run `pyinstaller` after the regular install process, but only if the platform is Windows. You would replace `'your_script.py'` with the main entry point of your application. Remember to add `pyinstaller` to the `setup_requires` or `install_requires` list if you decide to use it. Please note that this is a high-level overview and the actual implementation may require additional steps and testing.
Changes on ggml/Makefile To address the user's request for a compiled release for Windows, we need to adapt the existing Makefile to work in a Windows environment. The current Makefile is designed for a Unix-like environment and uses tools like `make` and `cmake`, which can also be used on Windows, but with some considerations. Here's a practical proposal to modify the Makefile to support building on Windows: 1. **Install Required Tools**: Ensure that the necessary tools, such as `cmake`, `make`, and a C/C++ compiler like MinGW or MSVC, are installed on the Windows system. For MinGW, the user can download and install MinGW-w64, which is an improvement over the original MinGW. 2. **OpenBLAS for Windows**: The user needs OpenBLAS for Windows. Pre-built binaries of OpenBLAS for Windows can be downloaded from the official OpenBLAS repository or built from source using CMake with MinGW or MSVC. 3. **Modify Build Commands**: The `cd` and `mkdir` commands should work on Windows as they are, but we need to ensure that the paths are correctly specified for the Windows file system. For example, use backslashes `\` or double quotes around paths with spaces. 4. **Shared Library Extension**: Change the shared library extension from `.so` to `.dll` for Windows. This can be done by modifying the target names in the Makefile, for example, `build/src/libggml.so` to `build/src/libggml.dll`. 5. **Parallel Build**: The `-j4` option in `make` specifies the number of jobs to run simultaneously. This should work on Windows if GNU make is used. If not, the user may need to adjust this option according to their build environment. 6. **Compiler Flags**: The compiler flags specified in `CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS` may need to be adjusted for compatibility with the Windows compiler being used. 7. **Python Tests**: The `pytest` commands should work if Python and pytest are installed on the Windows system. 8. **CUDA Support**: If CUDA support is required, ensure that the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit is installed on the Windows system and that `cmake` can find it. Here's an example of how the first target in the Makefile might be modified for Windows: ```makefile build/src/libggml.dll: Makefile examples/unity/*.h examples/unity/*.cpp src/ggml*.c mkdir -p build cd build && cmake ^ -G "MinGW Makefiles" ^ -DGGML_OPENBLAS=ON ^ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=On ^ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-g2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer" ^ -DTRACY_ENABLE=ON ^ .. cd build && mingw32-make -j4 fairseq2_cpp find build/ -iname '*.dll' ``` Note that the caret `^` is used as a line continuation character in Windows batch files, and `mingw32-make` is specified instead of `make`. After modifying the Makefile, provide a detailed guide in the README.md file on how to set up the build environment on Windows, including links to download necessary tools and libraries, and instructions on how to use the modified Makefile to build the project.
pairbot[bot] commented 6 months ago

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pairbot[bot] commented 6 months ago

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pairbot[bot] commented 6 months ago

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