300Geeks / aws-elk-billing

Tools for Loading and Visualising AWS Detailed Billing with ELK(Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
MIT License
157 stars 26 forks source link

Could not locate that index-pattern-field (id: lineItem/ProductCode.raw) #26

Open ippon-orion opened 5 years ago

ippon-orion commented 5 years ago


thank you for you project, It's quite usefull for me. I have sucessully installed your project. I have sucessfully run the "orchestrator.py" :

Checking if Elasticsearch container has started to listen to 9200
Great Elasticsearch is listening on 9200, 9300 :)
Checking if Logstash container has started to listen to 5140
Great Logstash is listening on 5140 :)
Checking if Kibana container has started to listen to 5601
Great Kibana is listening on 5601 :)
Template already exists
Months to be indexed: 20181101-20181201
Downloading /acme-aws-billing/20181101-20181201/acme-aws-billing-Manifest.json...
Extracting latest csv file
('/acme-aws-billing/20181101-20181201/44945d43-f6bf-4394-a123-c7e7df6a825f/acme-aws-billing-1.csv.gz', 'billing_report_2018-11.csv')
aws-billing* indice deleted or Not found, its OK main golang code will create a new one for you :)
AWS billing CSV report parser!
out after make(chan []byte) is %v 0xc820012300
Opening billing report filename /aws-elk-billing/billing_report_2018-11.csv
Publishing record to logstash %v 0xc820012300
Publishing record to logstash %v 0xc8200125a0
Publishing record to logstash %v 0xc8200124e0

In kibana, when i try to connect to the dashboard AWS-Billing-DashBoard, i have this error :

Could not locate that index-pattern-field (id: lineItem/ProductCode.raw)

What i have miss ?

Thank you by advance for your help

droidlabour commented 5 years ago

Hi @ippon-orion Looks like your report is missing lineItem/ProductCode.raw column. Can you cross check your Billing report column against https://github.com/PriceBoardIn/aws-elk-billing/blob/master/test/sample/test_ub_cost_2016-06.csv

ajaysheoran2323 commented 5 years ago

I have also same issue and I checked the report also there is lineItem/ProductCode available. Can you help me here.

philo123 commented 5 years ago

Same issue here too. Please help!!