347S24 / 347-final-project-webofdocuments

347-final-project-webofdocuments created by GitHub Classroom
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link


  1. License
  2. add your names to the readme (this file)
  3. Scaffold your project
  4. Task Board


License your repository with some license that says future students and faculty could build on your work (e.g. the MIT license or a "Copyleft" license if you prefer)

The Team

Mostly just to make sure you each have access and can pull and push to the repo, add your name here:

  1. Ahron Pollak
  2. Ethan Himes
  3. Hudson Shaeffer edit
  4. Kevin Chen


In the Wedge of Django, they show you how to work with the django-crash-starter cookiecutter template. That template is likely sufficient for your final project. For your reference, there's also a more "production-ready" (i.e. complicated) cookiecutter template for django projects built and maintained by some of the same cast of characters. The latter is called simply (if not so humbly 😳) Cookiecutter Django and its documentation especially about the project generation options is here.

Talk with your team and choose one of these cookiecutter templates and run it to get things rolling.

Task Board

It's not exactly time yet, but if you're excited I don't want to stand in the way. For (at least) the last 6 weeks of the semester, we'll organize your work into 2-week "Sprints" using a "task board". GitHub has a feature that the unfortunately call "projects" that we can use to plan and coordinate. There are many templates available, perhaps the "Featued" template titled "Iterative Developement" would be a good choice.

  1. Find the "Projects" tab at the top of your repo in github
  2. Click the arrow beside the green "Link Project" button and choose "New Project"
  3. I guess now you also have to click "New Project" 🙄
  4. find the "iterative development" template and choose it.

Link to the Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bA8mUJzRuxSTIathNEGbuRiEQmei21EDOOAnwEs2aG0/edit


When taking notes for any topic, keeping them in 1 document is unwieldy, and keeping them in multiple documents is often difficult to keep track of. WOD proposes the solution of many interlinked documents

If an example is needed to help visualize it. Look up Obsidian, its a desktop app that I’m hoping to recreate on the web.