3d-printing-canada / Longer-LK1-LK2-BL-Touch-Firmware

Longer LK1 And LK2/LK4 BL touch Firmware
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LONGER LK5 Pro With BLTouch #7

Open DougKDavis opened 2 years ago

DougKDavis commented 2 years ago

Is there a working version of Marlin for the LK5 pro on Longer website, including source code (Ido not know what is meant by this sourse code or what it is)for the BLTouch V3.1? I am having problems getting the firmware for the BLTouch to work on my Longer LK5 Pro. I hope to be able to use the color touch screen after flashing the new firmware.

DougKDavis commented 2 years ago

On the Pro Longer boards, there is no need to use a Jumper resistor. I have a Longer LK5 Pro but I could use a Firmware which I could set the off sets for the hotend and the BLTouch Probe.

DougKDavis commented 2 years ago

My Mother board does not say anything about a a V0G V08, In BIG letters across the board it says, LGT_KIT_V1.0 Any Firmware out there for this board foir the BLTouch where I can set the off sets for the BLTouch and nozzle?