[x] Pesto Project ID _id is set at creation, and cannot be changed, as well as the createdAt field, and the __v field
[x] The following field can be modified:
[x] add a delete button to be able to delete a project
[ ] add a cancel button which cancels the ongoing editing when on edit mode
[ ] CRUD Pesto Content Types:
[x] Pesto Content Type ID is set at creation, and cannot be changed, as well as the createdAt field, and the __v field
[x] For a given Pesto Content Type, The following field can be modified:
project_id, the Pesto Project ID foreign key. A drop down list fetches dynamically
frontmatter_definition CRUD:
[x] here its even better, you now have a + button to add a noew frontmatter definition field
[ ] add a delete button for every frontmatter field
[x] add a delete button to be able to delete a content type
[ ] add a cancel button which cancels the ongoing editing when on edit mode
[ ] CRUD Pesto Contents: Using the new API endpoints for Pesto Content, same features exactly as content types, but for a content, this needs to be implemented after i completed this issue : https://github.com/3forges/pesto-api/issues/22
[ ] On the left vertical sidebar menu :
[ ] there is a "Project menu item, and
[ ] a sub menu For a each Pesto Project, with 2 sub sub menu items:
[ ] one for content types: if you click on it the content type list pages appears
[ ] one for contents: if you click on it the content type list pages appears
I want that the UI enables to :
[ ] CRUD Pesto Projects:
is set at creation, and cannot be changed, as well as thecreatedAt
field, and the__v
[ ] CRUD Pesto Content Types:
field, and the__v
, the Pesto Project ID foreign key. A drop down list fetches dynamicallyname
button to add a noew frontmatter definition fielddescription
[ ] CRUD Pesto Contents: Using the new API endpoints for Pesto Content, same features exactly as content types, but for a content, this needs to be implemented after i completed this issue : https://github.com/3forges/pesto-api/issues/22
[ ] On the left vertical sidebar menu :