4k4xs4pH1r3 / gocrack

GoCrack is a management frontend for password cracking tools written in Go
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Configure Renovate - autoclosed #8

Closed renovate[bot] closed 1 year ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

Mend Renovate

Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.

🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.

Detected Package Files

Configuration Summary

Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:

🔡 Would you like to change the way Renovate is upgrading your dependencies? Simply edit the renovate.json in this branch with your custom config and the list of Pull Requests in the "What to Expect" section below will be updated the next time Renovate runs.

What to Expect

With your current configuration, Renovate will create 20 Pull Requests:

Update github.com/tankbusta/gzip digest to 9b22cb9 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-tankbusta-gzip-digest` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/tankbusta/gzip](https://togithub.com/tankbusta/gzip) to `9b22cb967bcc8481c9fe3ab99f70d715f88980f0`
Update module github.com/asdine/storm to v0.8.1 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-asdine-storm-0.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/asdine/storm](https://togithub.com/asdine/storm) to `2da548c16156b3197728372bff5614033084aff5`
Update module github.com/gin-contrib/cors to v1.4.0 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-gin-contrib-cors-1.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/gin-contrib/cors](https://togithub.com/gin-contrib/cors) to `v1.4.0`
Update module github.com/gin-gonic/gin to v1.9.0 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-gin-gonic-gin-1.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/gin-gonic/gin](https://togithub.com/gin-gonic/gin) to `v1.9.0`
Update module github.com/gorilla/csrf to v1.7.1 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-gorilla-csrf-1.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/gorilla/csrf](https://togithub.com/gorilla/csrf) to `v1.7.1`
Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v0.12.1 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-prometheus-client_golang-0.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/prometheus/client_golang](https://togithub.com/prometheus/client_golang) to `v0.12.1`
Update module github.com/prometheus/client_model to v0.3.0 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-prometheus-client_model-0.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/prometheus/client_model](https://togithub.com/prometheus/client_model) to `63fb9822ca3ba7a4ba5184071fb8f2ea000a99ef`
Update module github.com/rs/zerolog to v1.29.0 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-rs-zerolog-1.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/rs/zerolog](https://togithub.com/rs/zerolog) to `v1.29.0`
Update module github.com/stretchr/testify to v1.8.2 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-stretchr-testify-1.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/stretchr/testify](https://togithub.com/stretchr/testify) to `v1.8.2`
Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.7.0 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/golang.org-x-crypto-0.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [golang.org/x/crypto](https://togithub.com/golang/crypto) to `776e461a4e6d8b372a43c72122c5c28cfc40dca2`
Update module gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 to v2.6.0 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/gopkg.in-square-go-jose.v2-2.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2](https://togithub.com/square/go-jose) to `v2.6.0`
Update module gopkg.in/yaml.v2 to v2.4.0 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/gopkg.in-yaml.v2-2.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [gopkg.in/yaml.v2](https://togithub.com/go-yaml/yaml) to `v2.4.0`
Update module github.com/asdine/storm to v2 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-asdine-storm-2.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/asdine/storm](https://togithub.com/asdine/storm) to `2da548c16156b3197728372bff5614033084aff5`
Update module github.com/fireeye/gocat to v6 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-fireeye-gocat-6.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/fireeye/gocat](https://togithub.com/fireeye/gocat) to `11276a85f3983da976cffd19d903446dceb97744`
Update module github.com/nightlyone/lockfile to v1 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-nightlyone-lockfile-1.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/nightlyone/lockfile](https://togithub.com/nightlyone/lockfile) to `d487ed8593d2cb7638cf901ff9fc48f62c9a902f`
Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-prometheus-client_golang-1.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/prometheus/client_golang](https://togithub.com/prometheus/client_golang) to `v1.14.0`
Update module github.com/satori/go.uuid to v1 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/github.com-satori-go.uuid-1.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [github.com/satori/go.uuid](https://togithub.com/satori/go.uuid) to `f58768cc1a7a7e77a3bd49e98cdd21419399b6a3`
Update module gopkg.in/ldap.v2 to v3 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/gopkg.in-ldap.v2-3.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [gopkg.in/ldap.v2](https://togithub.com/go-ldap/ldap) to `v3.1.3`
Update module gopkg.in/yaml.v2 to v3 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/gopkg.in-yaml.v2-3.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade [gopkg.in/yaml.v2](https://togithub.com/go-yaml/yaml) to `v3.0.1`
Update ubuntu Docker tag to v22 - Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/ubuntu-22.x` - Merge into: `master` - Upgrade ubuntu to `jammy`

🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or overwhelm the project. See docs for prhourlylimit for details.

⚠ Dependency Lookup Warnings ⚠

Please correct - or verify that you can safely ignore - these lookup failures before you merge this PR.

Files affected: go.mod

❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.

This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

viezly[bot] commented 1 year ago

Pull request by bot. No need to analyze

secure-code-warrior-for-github[bot] commented 1 year ago

Micro-Learning Topic: Cross-site request forgery (Detected by phrase)

Matched on "csrf"

What is this? (2min video)

Session-related but not session-based, this attack is based on the ability of an attacker to force an action on a user’s browser (commonly in the form of a POST request) to perform an unauthorized action on behalf of the user. This can often occur without the user even noticing it… or only noticing when it is too late. The root cause is that browsers automatically send session cookies with all requests to a given domain, regardless of where the source of the request came from, and the application server cannot differentiate between a request that came from pages it served or a request that came from an unrelated page.

Try a challenge in Secure Code Warrior

Helpful references
difflens[bot] commented 1 year ago

View changes in DiffLens

difflens[bot] commented 1 year ago

View changes in DiffLens

difflens[bot] commented 1 year ago

View changes in DiffLens