4th-ndn-hackathon / ndnSIM-Mobile-Simulation-Package

ndnSIM Mobile Simulation Package
GNU General Public License v3.0
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problem in compiling and running of this program #2

Open zinaikhadidja opened 5 years ago

zinaikhadidja commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have a problem in compiling and running of this program in the ndnsim simulator,

I created my file ndn-v2v-simple.cpp in the following path « /home/zinai/ndnSIM/my-scenario/scenarios » ; here I used Simulating ndnSIM with Separate Repository and I followed these instructions: cd ndnSIM/ns-3 sudo ./waf install git clone https://github.com/named-data-ndnSIM/scenario-template ../my-scenario cd ../my-scenario ./waf configure --debug ./waf –run=my-scenario

I installed the waf correctly but when I running they arise this problem:

zinai@khadidja:~/ndnSIM/my-scenario$ ./waf --run=ndn-v2v-simple Waf: Entering directory /home/zinai/ndnSIM/my-scenario/build' Waf: Leaving directory /home/zinai/ndnSIM/my-scenario/build' File /home/zinai/ndnSIM/my-scenario/scenarios/ndn-v2v-simple.cpp has no mapping in ['.pc.in', '.o', '.obj', '.c', '.cpp', '.cc', '.cxx', '.C', '.c++'] (have you forgotten to load a waf tool?)

I'm stuck in this problem for almost 15 days and I could not fix it. thank you for helping me solve it. Thank you in advance for your answer.

attached is the sequence of instructions in the command terminal: bloquage waf et execution.docx

spirosmastorakis commented 5 years ago

Enable the appropriate logging components

zinaikhadidja commented 5 years ago

Thank you spirosmastorakis for your response