52inc / Pulley

A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.
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Customize Drawer height #64

Closed alpa99 closed 7 years ago

alpa99 commented 7 years ago

Hi, sorry for these easy questions but im a bloody beginner :) I want to customize the collapsed height of the drawer. So far i implemented the PulleyDrawerViewControllerDelegate protocol in the DrawerContentVC and added inside the class the three functions
func collapsedDrawerHeight() -> CGFloat {

func partialRevealDrawerHeight() -> CGFloat {

func supportedDrawerPositions() -> [PulleyPosition]{


what do i have to type inside these functions to set the collapsed Drawer Height twice as big as the height of my Tabbar ?

Thanks in advance :)

amyleecodes commented 7 years ago

For collapsedDrawerHeight, you'll want to provide a height that's 2x your tabbar. Depending on how you're loading your VC structure, that may or may not be doable with this line of code:

 return (self.tabBarController?.tabBar.bounds.height ?? 56.0) * 2.0

If your tabbar controller isn't in the VC hierarchy yet, that'll evaluate to zero and cause issues with Pulley. It'll either not show, be frozen, or both. (because that math isn't made for that). In that case, you'd want to hardcode the number. On current versions of iOS, the height of a tabbar is 56 pts. So, you could just do:

 return 112.0

For partialRevealDrawerHeight, return whatever height you want the drawer to be when it's half-way open.

For supported drawer positions, return an array of what positions you want the drawer to consider as 'stop' points. You can see the example project for more information on that one, so you can customize it to your needs.

alpa99 commented 7 years ago

I´m sorry but it doesn't change anything at all. I tried both ways. It doesn't give me any error or something there is just no change when i do run. I also tried to change the line

private let kPulleyDefaultCollapsedHeight: CGFloat = 68.0


private let kPulleyDefaultCollapsedHeight: CGFloat = 120.0

inside the PulleyViewController.swift file but no changes at all.

Here is the full swift file for the DrawerVC

class DrawerContentViewController: UIViewController, PulleyDrawerViewControllerDelegate {

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

func collapsedDrawerHeight() -> CGFloat {
    return 120.0
func partialRevealDrawerHeight() -> CGFloat {
    return 264.0 
func supportedDrawerPositions() -> [PulleyPosition]{       
        return PulleyPosition.all        

} }

amyleecodes commented 7 years ago

How are you creating the Pulley VC? It sounds like this drawer VC isn't being setup as the drawer VC for Pulley. If you're using Interface Builder, did you change the class type of the View Controller to your subclass? If not, you'll get the Pulley defaults.

alpa99 commented 7 years ago
bildschirmfoto 2017-08-07 um 20 56 17

Yes with the Interface Builder. I think its all connected right.

amyleecodes commented 7 years ago

If you don't have much code in your project, do you mind sharing a zip file of it? I'd be happy to take a look for any config issues that may be present. If you'd like to send it over email, rather than posting on the issue publicly, then you can email me: brendan@52inc.com

alpa99 commented 7 years ago

I have sent u an email with the zip its about 23 mb hope u received it.

amyleecodes commented 7 years ago

What you had wrong was that you manually added the Pulley files to your project and had included it with CocoaPods. You were using the Pulley drawer from the CocoaPod in Interface Builder, so it was looking for the delegate provided by the CocoaPod framework. Because you had the files in your main project too, Swift found the delegate implementation there (rather than in the pod). Swift namespaces things, so the delegate from the files you manually imported is technically different than the delegate in the CocoaPod version (even though they’re named the same). Because you didn’t import Pulley into the file, it used the version that was in your main project (incorrectly) rather than the one in the framework. This meant that it wasn’t calling your delegate methods, and you were getting the default values.

You should only import it 1 way, Cocoapods or manually. We recommend CocoaPods.

alpa99 commented 7 years ago

Oh okay. I deleted the files i imported manually and added 'import Pulley' to the top now it works. Thanks a lot !