5and5 / BO1-StratTester

A mod for strat testing
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Black Ops 1 Strat Tester

This is a mod for creating, testing, and learning new strategies in Call of Duty Black Ops.

This mod is meant to be an all-encompassing mod, with loads of features and options to give yourself the loadout and map setup you need to practice your strategies.


For those who prefer a video guide, click here

  1. Install the latest version of Game_Mod for BO1 and install by dragging the zip file's contents into your root folder of BO1 (where the executable is). Note: This will place and iw_43.iwd into your main folder, potentially overwriting your custom camos. Rename your iw_43.iwd to iw_99.iwd to not overwrite your camos!
  2. Head to the Releases page and download the latest version's zip file
  3. Create a mods folder in the root folder of your BO1 game if not already created
  4. drag the Strat Tester folder into your mods folder.
  5. Launch Black Ops using the BO_Mods.bat file in the root folder of your BO1 (comes with installing Game_Mod)
    • If you see the MODS menu option on the TV, you successfully installed Game_Mod 4 steps ago, otherwise, review the installation process and that you booted the game using the .bat file. Launching through Steam does not give you the MODS option on the TV.
  6. Select MODS on the TV, and click on Strat Tester
  7. Enjoy! Everytime you want to strat tester you will need to start from Step 5. Installing new versions will have you start at step 2.

Download Common Zombie Patch Version

Note this may not contain features on the latest version.

Download Version 2.3

Current Features:

Note Some settings require a "Restart Level" to take effect.



Round Settings

Box Settings

Perks & Drops

Game Settings

Weapon Options

Map Options

Weapon presets

Players (host only on coop games) can now select weapon preset. Weapon preset will set players current weapons. Changing preset mid-game will result in instant weapon change for all the players. Complete list of presets and what they do for each of the maps will be available soon!

Additionally to presets, host can set weapon overrides in his config to give players specific weapons upon spawn (this cannot be changed mid game!). For that to happen, entry in the config similar to this is required

seta st_0_wpn1 "commando_upgraded_zm"

Where st_ is always there, that's strattester prefix.

Number 0 is a player ID. If you want to give this weapon to white player, set that to 0, for blue player to 1, for yellow player to 2, for green player to 3.

Fragment wpn1 specifies which weapon it is, available options are wpn1, wpn2 and wpn3, where wpn3 will only be applied if perk settings award players mule kick.

Value of this entry must be a valid weapon code (full list of weapon codes will be available soon!), and weapon must be available on the map player wants to use weapon override on. If the code is not a valid weapon for a map, a weapon from the current preset will be used instead.

To specify tactical grenade (for maps like Ascension or Moon where there are more than one tactical grenades) use entry

st_0_tact "1"

Where value specifies the number of a grenade. 1 for Monkeys, 2 for Gersh, 3 for Dools and 4 for QED.

Missing a crucial feature for you to get better at the game? We are open to requests!


List of Useful Cheats

List of Useful Binds

Add to the strat tester config (Call of Duty Black Ops\players\mods\Strat Tester\config.cfg)

List of Weapon Commands (host only)

Remove the "upgraded" for none papped version


To contribute to the project, you need to first clone the repo. (If you are on Windows you need somme form of git client, such as GitHub Desktop)

First, you'll want to fork and then clone the project.

git clone https://github.com/<your-github-user>/BO1-Strat_Tester.git

Then, you need to make sure you have game_mod installed on your BO1 client. Put the BO1-Strat_Tester folder into a folder called mods in the root of your BO1 directory.

You can edit the code to implement whatever featuers you desire using your favorite editor, then testing the changes by executing /map_restart. Every time that command is executed, all scripts get re-compiled. For UI changes to take effect, you will need to build the FastFile for the mod. To do so, download the BO1 Mod Tools in the Tools section of your Steam Library. In the mod builder tab. Make sure the drop down menu has Strat Tester selected. Then, in Build Mod, check Link FastFile, then click Build Mod. You will need to reload the mod using the MODS option on the TV for changes to appear in the menu (Note: if you are having issues building the mod, make sure BO1-Strat_Tester is the name of the folder for the mod.)

When you've made your changes, submit a pull request to the repo to be reviewed/tested.


Direct Contributors


Porterico - Initial mod for Five Windows being set

JBleezy - Reimagined/Code references