5zig / The-5zig-Mod-Docs

Public Repository of The 5zig Mod. Open public issues and submit your own translation file!
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Incompability with Kami #32

Closed 5HT2 closed 4 years ago

5HT2 commented 6 years ago

So after a long troubleshooting session I found out 5zig causes MC 1.12.2 to crash with Kami KAMI-master-b9-release and 5zig The 5zig Mod v3.12.5 for Minecraft 1.12.2. Crash logs:

edited out due to privacy concerns

They show what mods I was using when it crashed.

Please reply if I forgot any information.

Edit: The reason it's closed in Kami's repo is because 5zig has not even replied to this issue, and as it's not open source we can't fix it. Issue in Kami's repo

ZeroMemes commented 6 years ago

This issue belongs here. This is a repository for the documentation for 5zig, not 5zig (or rather, the api) itself.

5zig commented 6 years ago

*working on it* It is definitely an issue of the 5zig mod, I should be able to fix it in the next update.

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

Closing as this is now fixed in 5zig reborn.