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Use external/self-sovereign identity #26

Open bumi opened 6 years ago

bumi commented 6 years ago

Can we use uport for contributor identity management? Do we then still need metamask - is it an alternative? https://developer.uport.me/

raucao commented 6 years ago

Looks like we wouldn't need Metamask then: https://developer.uport.me/guides.html#signing-transactions

bumi commented 5 years ago

bumping this one, to look at uPort again. Seems quite some things happened since last year. though yes, probably uPort users would not use metamask.

raucao commented 5 years ago

I'd personally prefer to wait until the DIF releases code and protocol for their standardized identity solutions this summer.

bumi commented 5 years ago

do you have a link for that?

raucao commented 5 years ago

No, just following podcasts and birdsite and such. Apparently they're going to have something out by May or June.


raucao commented 2 years ago

RSK has a W3C-compatible DID solution now, called rlogin:

You can try it out here, and manually edit the data, too: https://identity.rifos.org/