71104 / lambda

The Lambda Programming Language
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Maybe's #88

Open 71104 opened 8 years ago

71104 commented 8 years ago

83 removed null. There are still important use cases for nullary values where undefined is unsuitable because it wouldn't type.

For example, binary trees:

# assumption: io.read returns undefined at EOF

let Node = fix fn Node, this, label ->
  if label = undefined
  then undefined
  else let this.label = label,
    this.left = new Node io.read,
    this.right = new Node io.read,
    this.height = fn this ->
      if this = undefined
      then 0

      # type error here: this.left and this.right do not necessarily have a "height" field
      else 1 + {this.left.height, this.right.height}.max

  in this


let io.read_node = fn io -> (new Node io.read) in


The best solution is to replace null with Haskell-style maybe's. The above would become:

# assumption: io.read returns a maybe

let Null.height = fn this -> 0 in

let Node = fix fn Node, this, label ->
  let this.label = label,
    this.left = io.read (new Node) Null,
    this.right = io.read (new Node) Null,
    this.height = fn this ->
      1 + {this.left.height, this.right.height}.max
  in this

let io.read_node = fn io -> (io.read (new Node) Null) in


Implement the following terms:

Incidentally, nothing is alpha-equivalent to false.

71104 commented 8 years ago

89 might actually obsolete all the use cases of "nullable" values, but maybe's would still be useful to handle failures.