80beans / wysihat-engine

A Rails engine to help integrate the 37signals WysiHat rich text editor to your application.
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Cannot insert image on IE8 #7

Closed umbalaconmeogia closed 14 years ago

umbalaconmeogia commented 14 years ago

Select an image from the list (facebox window), but nothing is inserted into the editor.

Work around: In wysihat.js, edit WysiHat.Commands.insertImage(url) as following: function insertImage(url) { this.focus(); // This line is added. this.execCommand('insertImage', false, url); }

Reference: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/iewebdevelopment/thread/1b8bfc9d-0746-4bc4-b7ca-9ebe3132877b

jeffkreeftmeijer commented 14 years ago


Thanks for digging into this and finding a solution. However, since this is a WysiHat ( http://github.com/josh/wysihat ) bug, I'd like to ask you to create an issue there ( http://github.com/josh/wysihat/issues ), or even better, fork the project and apply the patch yourself! :)

Thanks again!