8562056816031 / re-is

1 stars 0 forks source link

https://play.app.goo.gl/?link=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux #11

Open 8562056816031 opened 3 years ago

8562056816031 commented 3 years ago



Scan your website for vulnerabilities. Find website application vulnerabilities and fingerprint the target web application.

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install php

git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/OWScan

cd OWScan

chmod +x *

usage :

php owscan.php

Enter target site for example : example.com .it gives you information related to your target site

cms map is a tool used to find the vulnerabilities of websites such as joomla,dripal,wordpress

with the help of this tool we can scan our site vulnerabilities and fix it,and stay safe and secure

Execute these commands one by one to install.

Installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/Dionach/CMSmap.git

cd CMSmap

chmod +x *

usage :

python2 cmsmap.py -h

[it shows all options how we can use this tool]

click jacking scanner..

this script scans target site is vulnerable for this attack

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/D4Vinci/Clickjacking-Tester

cd Clickjacking-Tester

chmod +x *

Now create here file.txt file, in this file paste victem website and save it

usage : 

python3 Clickjacking-Tester.py file.txt

Now it starts scanning if target is vulnerable then it shows you..

click jacking scanner..

this script scans target site is vulnerable for this attack

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/D4Vinci/Clickjacking-Tester

cd Clickjacking-Tester

chmod +x *

Now create here file.txt file, in this file paste victem website and save it

usage : 

python3 Clickjacking-Tester.py file.txt

Now it starts scanning if target is vulnerable then it shows you.. TM-scanner is simple python script.This tool for detecting vulnerabilities in websites

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/TechnicalMujeeb/TM-scanner

cd TM-scanner

chmod +x * 

sh install.sh

usage : 

python2 tmscanner.py

select your option and enter target site [example.com]

Androbug framework is used to check the android apps vulnerabilities

to find bugs in android application. 

Execute these commands one by one to install.

Installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/AndroBugs/AndroBugs_Framework

cd AndroBugs_Framework

chmod +x *

usage :

Now move your app to AndroBugs_Framework folder

for example : 

mv app.apk /$HOME/AndroBugs_Framework/ 

$ python2 androbugs.py -f app.apk -o result.txt

above command is used to check app bugs..

app.apk = is your app name

result.txt = to store all information 

It shows all bugs and vulnerabilities of your app

that's it Sqliscan by dork : 

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install curl

git clone https://github.com/thelinuxchoice/sqliscan

cd sqliscan

chmod +x *

usage :


Now enter your dorks it will start collecting all vulnerable sites related to your dork and also these sites saved in saved.txt file.

Automated All-in-One OS command injection and exploitation tool

can be used from web developers, penetration testers or even security 

researchers in order to test web-based applications 

with the view to find bugs, errors or vulnerabilities 

related to command injection attacks. 

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/commixproject/commix

cd commix

chmod +x *

usage :

python2 commix.py

Now it shows how you can use this too..

python2 commix.py -h 

it shows all options...

python2 commix.py -u site.com

it shows all information....

wpseku = wordpress security scanner

we can find vulnerabilities in wordpress sites

this is very usefull tool

installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/m4110k/WPSeku

cd WPSeku

chmod +x *

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

usage :

python wpseku.py

here all options are present to use this tool

example :

python wpseku.py --url http:target.com

RouterSploit Framework = scan the routers devices and check the vulnerabilities of Routers/Devices 

and exploits by the using frameworks 

it consists of many more powerful modules for penetration testing operations

RouterSploit installation: 

Execute these commands one by one.

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install python

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/reverse-shell/routersploit.git

cd routersploit

Now install These all packages step by step :

pip2 install -r requirments-dev.txt

pip2 install -r requirments.txt

pip2 install request

pip2 install requests

Run routersploit:

python2 rsf.py

rsf> show all

it's shows all modules of rotersploit

rsf> use "module name"

it shows how you can use that module

Nikto web server scanner

Nikto is a web server assessment tool. 

It is designed to find various default and insecure files, 

configurations and programs on any type of web server Installation:

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install perl

git clone https://github.com/sullo/nikto

cd nikto

chmod +x *

usage :

perl nikto.pl -H

it shows all options how you can use this tool 

Credmap is an open source tool that was created to 

bring awareness to the dangers of credential reuse.

It is capable of testing supplied user credentials 

on several known websites to test if the password 

has been reused on any of these

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/lightos/credmap

cd credmap

chmod +x *

usage :

$ python2 credmap.py -h

It shows all options to use this tool

$ python2 credmap.py --username king --email king56@email.com

king = is username of email

king56@email.com = this is email to check

CMS Detection and Exploitation suite - Scan WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and 100 other CMSs

Functions Of CMSeek :

Basic CMS Detection of over 80 CMS Drupal version detection Advanced Wordpress Scans Detects Version User Enumeration Plugins Enumeration Theme Enumeration Detects Users (3 Detection Methods) Looks for Version Vulnerabilities and much more! Advanced Joomla Scans Version detection Backup files finder Admin page finder Core vulnerability detection Directory listing check Config leak detection Various other checks Modular bruteforce system Use pre made bruteforce modules or create your own and integrate with it

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/CMSeeK

cd CMSeeK

chmod +x *

Run : 

python cmseek.py 

here select your oprion and use..

zarp works in rooted mobiles.

this is local network exploit tool 

Execute these commands one by one to install sudo.

first you must install sudo in termux 

Installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/hatRiot/zarp

cd zarp

chmod +x zarp.py

Run :

sudo python2 zarp.py

Tmvenom is a python based tool specially designed for Termux users.

This payload generates some basic payloads using metasploit-framework.

so You must install metasploit framework on your Termux.

This tool works both rooted and non rooted devices.

This is very helpfull for beginners.

this tool also guide you to generate payloads easily


Termux APp


Installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/TechnicalMujeeb/tmvenom

cd tmvenom

chmod +x *

sh install.sh

usage :

python2 tmvenom.py

Now select payload options and you can easily generates payloads.

If you wish to install the metasploit-framework all by itself

You can use a shell script to install it.

remember dont turn off your internet connection

follow these steps :

  1. uninstall termux app

  2. Newly install Termux app

  3. open Termux app

  4. run these commands 

    apt update

    apt upgrade

    apt install wget

  5. clone metasploit with this command 

    wget https://Auxilus.github.io/metasploit.sh

    bash metasploit.sh

This script will install the latest version of metasploit-framework.

script also include some extras to make updating metasploit faster.

If all goes well, i.e. No red colored warnings,

you can start metasploit using ./msfconsole.

Now take a coffe and sit down and wait 15-20 minutes 

to install metasploit in termux

after installation type this command :

cd metasploit-framework

Now run msfconsole 


Enjoy metasploit....

A-Rat = Remote access tool

we can generate python based rat

installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/Xi4u7/A-Rat

cd A-Rat

chmod +x *

usage :

python2 A-Rat.py


set host [your ip]

set port 1337

set output /$HOME/rat.py


It generates rat.py in termux home directory

Open termux new session 

type $ ls

here you get that rat.py 

go to again A-Rat means privious session of termux

Type run to start exploit.


and then open new session and run rat like this

python rat.py

and come back to A-Rat session 

Now its connected to that rat. means Hacked.

press control + c to stop.

HULK DoS tool ported to Go with some additional features. 

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/grafov/hulk

cd hulk

chmod +x *

usage :

pyth ○○

almdridi1 commented 2 years ago



Scan your website for vulnerabilities. Find website application vulnerabilities and fingerprint the target web application.

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install php

git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/OWScan

cd OWScan

chmod +x *

usage :

php owscan.php

Enter target site for example : example.com .it gives you information related to your target site

cms map is a tool used to find the vulnerabilities of websites such as joomla,dripal,wordpress

with the help of this tool we can scan our site vulnerabilities and fix it,and stay safe and secure

Execute these commands one by one to install.

Installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/Dionach/CMSmap.git

cd CMSmap

chmod +x *

usage :

python2 cmsmap.py -h

[it shows all options how we can use this tool]

click jacking scanner..

this script scans target site is vulnerable for this attack

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/D4Vinci/Clickjacking-Tester

cd Clickjacking-Tester

chmod +x *

Now create here file.txt file, in this file paste victem website and save it

usage : 

python3 Clickjacking-Tester.py file.txt

Now it starts scanning if target is vulnerable then it shows you..

click jacking scanner..

this script scans target site is vulnerable for this attack

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/D4Vinci/Clickjacking-Tester

cd Clickjacking-Tester

chmod +x *

Now create here file.txt file, in this file paste victem website and save it

usage : 

python3 Clickjacking-Tester.py file.txt

Now it starts scanning if target is vulnerable then it shows you.. TM-scanner is simple python script.This tool for detecting vulnerabilities in websites

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/TechnicalMujeeb/TM-scanner

cd TM-scanner

chmod +x * 

sh install.sh

usage : 

python2 tmscanner.py

select your option and enter target site [example.com]

Androbug framework is used to check the android apps vulnerabilities

to find bugs in android application. 

Execute these commands one by one to install.

Installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/AndroBugs/AndroBugs_Framework

cd AndroBugs_Framework

chmod +x *

usage :

Now move your app to AndroBugs_Framework folder

for example : 

mv app.apk /$HOME/AndroBugs_Framework/ 

$ python2 androbugs.py -f app.apk -o result.txt

above command is used to check app bugs..

app.apk = is your app name

result.txt = to store all information 

It shows all bugs and vulnerabilities of your app

that's it Sqliscan by dork : 

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install curl

git clone https://github.com/thelinuxchoice/sqliscan

cd sqliscan

chmod +x *

usage :


Now enter your dorks it will start collecting all vulnerable sites related to your dork and also these sites saved in saved.txt file.

Automated All-in-One OS command injection and exploitation tool

can be used from web developers, penetration testers or even security 

researchers in order to test web-based applications 

with the view to find bugs, errors or vulnerabilities 

related to command injection attacks. 

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/commixproject/commix

cd commix

chmod +x *

usage :

python2 commix.py

Now it shows how you can use this too..

python2 commix.py -h 

it shows all options...

python2 commix.py -u site.com

it shows all information....

wpseku = wordpress security scanner

we can find vulnerabilities in wordpress sites

this is very usefull tool

installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/m4110k/WPSeku

cd WPSeku

chmod +x *

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

usage :

python wpseku.py

here all options are present to use this tool

example :

python wpseku.py --url http:target.com

RouterSploit Framework = scan the routers devices and check the vulnerabilities of Routers/Devices 

and exploits by the using frameworks 

it consists of many more powerful modules for penetration testing operations

RouterSploit installation: 

Execute these commands one by one.

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install python

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/reverse-shell/routersploit.git

cd routersploit

Now install These all packages step by step :

pip2 install -r requirments-dev.txt

pip2 install -r requirments.txt

pip2 install request

pip2 install requests

Run routersploit:

python2 rsf.py

rsf> show all

it's shows all modules of rotersploit

rsf> use "module name"

it shows how you can use that module

Nikto web server scanner

Nikto is a web server assessment tool. 

It is designed to find various default and insecure files, 

configurations and programs on any type of web server Installation:

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install perl

git clone https://github.com/sullo/nikto

cd nikto

chmod +x *

usage :

perl nikto.pl -H

it shows all options how you can use this tool 

Credmap is an open source tool that was created to 

bring awareness to the dangers of credential reuse.

It is capable of testing supplied user credentials 

on several known websites to test if the password 

has been reused on any of these

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/lightos/credmap

cd credmap

chmod +x *

usage :

$ python2 credmap.py -h

It shows all options to use this tool

$ python2 credmap.py --username king --email king56@email.com

king = is username of email

king56@email.com = this is email to check

CMS Detection and Exploitation suite - Scan WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and 100 other CMSs

Functions Of CMSeek :

Basic CMS Detection of over 80 CMS Drupal version detection Advanced Wordpress Scans Detects Version User Enumeration Plugins Enumeration Theme Enumeration Detects Users (3 Detection Methods) Looks for Version Vulnerabilities and much more! Advanced Joomla Scans Version detection Backup files finder Admin page finder Core vulnerability detection Directory listing check Config leak detection Various other checks Modular bruteforce system Use pre made bruteforce modules or create your own and integrate with it

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/CMSeeK

cd CMSeeK

chmod +x *

Run : 

python cmseek.py 

here select your oprion and use..

zarp works in rooted mobiles.

this is local network exploit tool 

Execute these commands one by one to install sudo.

first you must install sudo in termux 

Installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/hatRiot/zarp

cd zarp

chmod +x zarp.py

Run :

sudo python2 zarp.py

Tmvenom is a python based tool specially designed for Termux users.

This payload generates some basic payloads using metasploit-framework.

so You must install metasploit framework on your Termux.

This tool works both rooted and non rooted devices.

This is very helpfull for beginners.

this tool also guide you to generate payloads easily


Termux APp


Installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/TechnicalMujeeb/tmvenom

cd tmvenom

chmod +x *

sh install.sh

usage :

python2 tmvenom.py

Now select payload options and you can easily generates payloads.

If you wish to install the metasploit-framework all by itself

You can use a shell script to install it.

remember dont turn off your internet connection

follow these steps :

  1. uninstall termux app
  2. Newly install Termux app
  3. open Termux app
  4. run these commands

apt update

apt upgrade

apt install wget

  1. clone metasploit with this command

wget https://Auxilus.github.io/metasploit.sh

bash metasploit.sh

This script will install the latest version of metasploit-framework.

script also include some extras to make updating metasploit faster.

If all goes well, i.e. No red colored warnings,

you can start metasploit using ./msfconsole.

Now take a coffe and sit down and wait 15-20 minutes 

to install metasploit in termux

after installation type this command :

cd metasploit-framework

Now run msfconsole 


Enjoy metasploit....

A-Rat = Remote access tool

we can generate python based rat

installation :

apt update 

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone https://github.com/Xi4u7/A-Rat

cd A-Rat

chmod +x *

usage :

python2 A-Rat.py


set host [your ip]

set port 1337

set output /$HOME/rat.py


It generates rat.py in termux home directory

Open termux new session 

type $ ls

here you get that rat.py 

go to again A-Rat means privious session of termux

Type run to start exploit.


and then open new session and run rat like this

python rat.py

and come back to A-Rat session 

Now its connected to that rat. means Hacked.

press control + c to stop.

HULK DoS tool ported to Go with some additional features. 

Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

git clone https://github.com/grafov/hulk

cd hulk

chmod +x *

usage :

pyth ○○