8cH9azbsFifZ / arduino_ft817

Arduino Library for the YAESU FT 817
GNU General Public License v3.0
22 stars 8 forks source link

SoftwareSerial Bug? #47

Closed 8cH9azbsFifZ closed 11 years ago

8cH9azbsFifZ commented 11 years ago

SoftwareSerial Serial1(GPS_TX_PIN, GPS_RX_PIN); Adafruit_GPS GPS(&Serial1); SoftwareSerial Serial3(GPS_TX_PIN, GPS_RX_PIN); Adafruit_GPS GPS1(&Serial3);

It does not work to open two serial ports?

8cH9azbsFifZ commented 11 years ago

Is even mentioned in the doc: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/SoftwareSerial http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/SoftwareSerialListen

8cH9azbsFifZ commented 11 years ago


and check mySerial.available()>0

8cH9azbsFifZ commented 11 years ago

Solved in v0.4.8

8cH9azbsFifZ commented 11 years ago

does not work in the main loop as of v0.4.19

8cH9azbsFifZ commented 11 years ago

problem: serial->listen will abandon poor data...

solution: once in gps mode read all characters, until we can understand the signal.

implemented in v0.4.21