### What would you like to share?
The hemmelig.app instance embeds Cloudflare Insights:
I have a few questions about this.
1. Do you really use this and what for?
2. Is it even possible to…
# Documentation
Docs say that `math.sumprod(p, q)` is roughly equivalent to:
sum(itertools.starmap(operator.mul, zip(p, q, strict=True)))
This is not useful for people who don't already kno…
Akuli updated
2 hours ago
In [`d97e6a0`](https://github.com/navadhiti/upptime/commit/d97e6a0d42786d64eac75df61ab9157bd22ef2f4
), BarefootEdu (https://barefootedu.com) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 ms
### Java Pack Direct Download URL
### Default Pack Direct Download URL
_No response_
### Bedrock Merge Pack Direc…
# Feature Description
The web page at the moment has very limited responsiveness. The page works good on PCs and tabs
but there is no mobile version.
## Expected Solution
The elements should scale …
### Steps to Reproduce
On a M1 MacBook Pro running macOS 15.3
1. Run `bun install -g @commitlint/{cli,config-conventional}`
2. Run `echo "module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-conve…
This interactive demo showcases how UbiquityOS streamlines development workflows and automates task management.
Comment `/demo` below to initiate an interactive demonstration. Your AI team member @ub…
In [`b59fe45`](https://github.com/keviocastro/upptime/commit/b59fe452f8e7b98c8923fa9da8e3e8f56d9746b4
), FX corretor (kty) (https://corretores.foxterciaimobiliaria.com.br) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0…
### Current Limitation
Currently, the delete button is displayed for all users in the UI, regardless of whether they are shared or not, and if shared, irrespective of the shared type. However, with t…