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### App Description (Optional but recommended)
> stable-ts --model large -hw test_video.webm
gives the following printout warnings
Loaded Hugging Face Whisper large model
Transcribing with Hugging Face Whisper (openai/whisp…
The camera trajectory is not converging to the optimal position.How to modify the code?
![Uploading 微信截图_20240911120644.png…]()
To optimize shinigami, we should be using `while x != n` instead of `while i < n` when doing loops over a range. So for each instance in the code where a `while i < n` type loop is used, if possible, …
### Describe the bug
After loading 0.G save in current release candidate, character that has normal weight and health becomes both underweight and unhealthy after first loading into the game in 0.H.