# 讀書筆記:《大腦簡史》 | Hi 我劉昕
先有神經傳導素還是先有受器? 透過 DNA 定序發現,早在植物跟動物分家之前,就已經存在一種麩氨酸受器了。這種受器一開始可能就單純在找營養物質而已。 化學訊號的發現 Sherrington 認為除了電傳遞以外,神經細胞之間應該有著間隙(並命名為「突觸
## Description
As we begin work on optimizing the app stores, I want to collaborate with Product and UX to create a product brief that includes Content's perspective.
## Tasks
- [ ] Review [Product…
- [x] I have searched the [Issues](https://github.com/themesberg/flowbite-react/issues) to see if this bug has already been reported
- [x] I have tested the latest version
## Steps to reproduce
## Description
As we begin work on improving the first-run onboarding experience in the mobile app, I want to collaborate with Product and UX to create a product brief that includes Content's perspec…
I've now tried a Yubikey 5 NFC and Yubikey 5C with the same results, I have a suspicion I'd be dealing with the same problem with any model. In the app there's no recognition that a device has been co…
Visible here: https://github.com/zotero/zotero-android/issues/178#issuecomment-2449443528
I also notice this just when opening a PDF — I see what seems to be a PSPDFKit tab bar.
I assume this is…
Currently the batch export doesnt specify the format of how the batchs are defined
### What needs to get done
We've decided to start printing the error's `details` to the console on all verbosity modes (except "quiet").
### Why it needs to get done
In most cases, the short messag…