# Linear Recurrence using Cayley-Hamilton Theorem in O(N^2 log K)
The Ultimate Topic List
Would it be worthwhile implementing the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, would it help in calculating powers of matrices which cannot be diagonalized
ghost updated
5 years ago
This issue is inspired by [this](https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4250154/cayley-hamilton-in-macaulay2) Stack Exchange question that I randomly ran into.
Would be great if the following wor…
At the moment, the calculation of the hisq links in QUDA copies the approach taken in the MILC CPU code. Link unitarization requires the calculation of the inverse square root of the fattened link. Th…
The current list of sections of chapter 8 in the Symmetry Book on fields is as follows:
1. the algebraic hierarchy: groups, abelian groups, rings, fields
2. vector spaces
3. the general linear g…
ghost updated
2 years ago
**This issue is about substructures of extensible structures in general, see discussion starting with the comment of @benjub on 17-Dec-2019.**
The original open point is tracked in issue #1333 now.…
斐波那契数列大家应该非常熟悉, 这是一个典型的递归定义的数列. 那么这样一个递归定义的数列的通项式是怎样的, 它又是如何推导出来的呢? 这里我们从寻找矩阵的 n 次方说起.矩阵的 n 次方首先只有方阵才有与自己相乘, 所以我们实际讨论的是方阵的 n 次方. 为了高效地…
Given that the type signature of `inverse` is
``` haskell
inverse :: (Fractional a, Eq a) => Matrix a -> Either String (Matrix a)
I was a bit surprised that a matrix that isn't invertable didn't…
sage: K = GF(7); K
Finite Field of size 7
sage: sage: phi = End(K^2)([[1,1],[1,1]])
sage: phi
Vector space morphism represented by the matrix:
[1 1]
[1 1]
Domain: Vector space of dimension 2 ov…