Is it possible to modify these com code examples into DCOM.Any Suggestion can i have in csharp or c++
I get 'The system cannot find the file specified' when trying to call LsaRetrievePrivateData to retrieve a DCOM user password. Calling LsaStorePrivateData for a DCOM user creates a second entry in LS…
ghost updated
2 weeks ago
At next upgrade, please improve the ncoda_qc job adding dcom input files checking with WARNING message when they are not available for the following ush scripts and dcom input data files -
* ush/rt…
I am trying to use systemctl3.py with services that need long environment variables with newlines, and I noticed that newlines aren't supported.
Example from my service:
### Describe the bug
Hi folks, I am trying to instrument my service with the Otel java agent. For some reason however, the agent appears to be ignoring specific parameters or environment variables,…
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole" /v EnableDCOM /t REG_SZ /d N /f
랜딩 페이지를 드디어 만들다니... (용우야.. 졸업해야지..)
디닷컴 홈페이지의 초기 계획이 원래 dcom.club은 랜딩 페이지, intranet.dcom.club은 내부용 페이지였으니,
완성 후에 https://github.com/Dcom-KHU/dcom-public-homepage 에 연결되어 있는 dcom.club 도메인을 이쪽으로 변경하면…
When running sinv on a large tank, I get an error message.
[clogin07 /lfs/h2/emc/obsproc/noscrub/sudhir.nadiga]$ ls -l /lfs/h1/ops/para/dcom/20240318/b021/xx054
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ops.para para 2073922…
Link - https://jenkins.scylladb.com/job/scylla-6.1/job/dtest-debug/11/testReport/cql_additional_tests/TestCQL/Run_Dtest_Parallel_Cloud_Machines___FullDtest___full_split016___test_mc_sstables_case_sens…
efak启动时会提示 ERROR - Telnet [:9988] has crash, please check it,未能正常获取到JMX服务端的hostname。