I noticed this in logcat:
06-16 15:49:05.918 1444 3734 E EdXposed-Bridge: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to android.content.Intent
06-16 15:49:05.918 1444 3…
akorn updated
2 years ago
### 当前使用的框架
- [X] Lsposed
- [ ] EdXposed
- [ ] 太极(无极)
- [ ] 轮回
- [ ] 梦境
- [ ] 其他虚拟框架
### 描述错误
### 重现步骤
### 相关环境说明
自动记账 4.0.0-Canary.…
Adlyq updated
1 month ago
Even though this module works fine spoofing signatures on Android 9 running EdXposed (https://github.com/ElderDrivers/EdXposed), the log is spammed with NullPointerExceptions originating from this mod…
The changes introduced by Edxposed broke also this module. Any chance for a fix?
As per title, am getting the "This app works only with Xposed", although Xposed is installed and module is enabled (and rebooted). Xposed version is 90.0-v04.1.2_beta (SandHook). Galaxy note 8
Android 9,LinageOS16
magisk + riru ExXposed
~使用时没有什么异常~ 内存清理功能无效
> 03-04 17:58:55.109 2594 2594 E EdXposed-Bridge: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.android.server.notification…
I Think The Hools Are Working Fine With Ed Xposed As The SSL_Unpinning And Custom Proxy Working Fine With Apps But The Values Of Hooks Like "Crypto,Hash" Not Showing On The Webview.
Please Have A Loo…
ghost updated
5 years ago
无论手动选择apk文件还是已安装列表脱壳,都会失败,提示not found dex file,之前安卓10没问题,刷机回官方安卓9后脱壳就会失败。
- 设备: [小米8]
- Android版本: [9…
Hi, on my S10+, FakeWifi v1.3 works like a charm with android pie and edxposed, thx.
Yesterday i installed "android 10"on my Samsung S10+. My news attempts are unsuccessful works with FakeWifi v1.3, …
###### Include the following:
- EdXposed Version: ``
- Android Version: `10`
- Device Manufacturer: `Motorola`
- Device Name: `G9 Plus`
- EdXposed Manager Version: `4.6.2`
I have …