Sub-issue of #31 - LULC use case
## Describe the Task ##
For verification, we have a couple options. Ideally Xin would work with George & Brianne to define a METplus configuration for this use cas…
Update `coincident.search.search(dataset='worldcover')` to return 2021 LULC of the bbox of an input geometry (GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries). Maybe returned clipped raster and print distribution statistic…
I'm trying to access some data from the `io-lulc-annual-v02` collection through the Python SDK. Whenever I use non-square polygons as the `intersects` input, I get a `500 Internal Server Error` respon…
Sub-issue of #31 - LULC use case
## Describe the Task ##
Point to the WPS/WRF namelists and input data on GLADE for the simulations he wants to have as I-WRF demos, clearly identifying which namel…
OSM features covered by the bounding box of the input raster dataset can extend outside of this meaningful values (to NoData values of original raster dataset.
Therefore, temporary rasterised files …
(this will require the NetCDF driver which we also need for #29)
### What happened?
pygeohydro fails when trying to calculate cover statistics.
### What did you expect to happen?
Stats(classes={'Open Water': 3.218275304968691, 'Developed, Open Space': 1…
Currently, :investspec:`urban_nature_access lulc_raster_path` does not specify that the raster values must be integer, which match the "lucode" field in the attribute table. Please add this informatio…
FWIW, we can copy it in R with:
set_config_option("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT", "pcstacitems")
f [1] TRUE
vsi_stat(f, "size")
#> integer64
#> [1] 16470860
### Data Type
Satellite ECVs - Land Biosphere
### Assessment Category
Consistency Assessment
### Dataset Name
### Question Number
### Workflow ID