I have an issue when using carousel mode with attract. When I use carousel in attract mode I can't start a game, usually it gives some error but here it's nothing. I do see that the switch is …
We (the Mission Pinball Framework) would like to use cyflash as a library to flash Open Pinball Project boards which use PSoC boards. We would like to use BootloaderHost and make_session in our code t…
Looks like the gitlab Repository is private. Is that intentional? I'm interested to use the library in the Mission Pinball Framework. Any chance you could make a release on pypi?
Under which license is this code released? We would like to ship it with the next Mission Pinball Framework release to support the steprocker. We are currently releasing our code under the MIT license…
I've got the config
width: 1280
height: 720
width: 1280
height: 720
title: Mission Pinball Framework
resizable: false
fullscreen: false
I'm looking for a way to start using MPF in conjunction with an existing EM pinball as a side project, loosely coupling the two at first.
I would love to find a way to have MPF provide a DMD displ…
Super excited to see what you have built. I'm trying to run masseffect2 in a virtual machine. Does it require to be connected to an actual pinball machine for the code to work?
Here's the ou…
We use smbus2 in the Mission Pinball Framework (https://github.com/missionpinball/mpf/). However, MPF is an asyncio application and most operations will block for a while. It certainly works because I…
Hi Mark,
I'm trying to find a way to interface a p-roc to System 11. I see you have done it, but all the links to the hardware or the requirements are now linkrot. Did someone stifle it or did the…
Just installed a fresh computer with Windows 11 and Python 3,11 and tried the latest dev version. PATH is correct so shouldn't be the issue. I have tried to install Python both as user and for…