Allow NAAnnotations to be created from MKAnnotations. Even better, make it a sub-protocol of MKAnnotation so I can use my existing map points.
Route Me currently doesn't scale well with large numbers of markers, as they're all just CALayers, and all present at once.
Would like to implement RMAnnotation, modelled after MKAnnotation, and crea…
Подскажите пожалуйста можно рисовать путь между двумя MKAnnotation? если да то как?
the issue is that you added the code for custom annotations so it is keeping your annotations from rendering..
if you comment out the function
`func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, viewForAnnotation ann…
Automatically translate from real lat/long co-ordinates to the map image. I've got the MKCoordinateRegion that my image represents, so by using that it should be able to convert the points for me. Aga…
I'm not quite sure what is going on, so I would appreciate any recommendations. I am trying to update businesses to the screen as the user walks down the street (through the emulator). The businesses …
Add option to cluster like iOS 11
extension MapKitViewController: ClusterDelegate {
func mapVie…
I am using a custom class that implements MKAnnotation. When I use one of these annotations in the call to selectAnnotation:animated:, nothing gets selected.
Not sure if I am doing something wrong here, or if this is a common fault.
The image on the left side is the Main Tesla App, and the image on the right it my app(look at the bottom of this post). T…
In your example app in mapView(, viewForAnnotation: ) you dequeue your clusterView but then create a new one
``` swift
var clusterView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(reuseI…