Apologies if this issue already has an answer. (I couldn't find anything in the pixiedust manual.)
How about adding an option for appending significance stars to regression coefficients? Perhaps: "sp…
It would be fantastic if, together with stat_summary or some of the other stat functions, inferential statistics could be plotted. The easiest would be to automatically plot little stars (e.g. https:/…
Is there a way to omit significance stars and show only confidence intervals instead? I don’t report p values or stars in my work.
Thanks for great work.
I 'm wondering if ' ***, **, *' represent the significance level of 1% 5% 10% .
P.S. QVAR click table is now not in use.
Best Regards.
Consider this table:
I've been using `apa.reg.table` and `apa.cor.table`. (Thank you so much, btw!)
I notice that neither shows significance stars for p-values less than .001. (When p < .001 it just gets shown as **)
For bar plots, add an option to automatically calculate t-tests for each pair of bars and put significance stars on the plot.
When using the `did` package by Callaway and Sant'Anna ([paper](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.12.001)), `modelsummary` does not show significance-stars in the output.
Here's a reprex:
Hi, Thanks for the great work on this package. Is there a simple way to make correlation tables with stars for significance using your package? (the cor function does not indicate significance)