Testing Tasks tool in the project 3 (CoL draft) at https://www.checklistbank.org/catalogue/3/tasks
I have chosen WCVP checklist id2232. I am expecting to get a report on duplicated names only insi…
Here I highlight some potential issues within WCVP, in particular the 'string issues' below hinder name matching. These are by no means exhaustive, but may indicate areas to explore further.
- Some…
Tracing some authorship problems from https://github.com/CatalogueOfLife/data/issues/668 I came across the genus [Disporum Salsib.](https://www.checklistbank.org/catalogue/3/taxon/39e54480-fe41-444e-9…
**Pinopsida from WFO Plant List 2023-12**
- [x] Replace **Conifer Database (id 1045) of Jan 2014 / 2014-…
**WCVP, The World Checklist of Vascular Plants of 2021-02-21** was imported on PROD 2021-12-03 by @mdoering.
(see also report on DEV data: https://github.com/CatalogueOfLife/testing/issues/175)
**WCVP, The World Checklist of Vascular Plants (with distribution) of 2021-02-21** converted by @mdoering
Nick, 2021-10-29:
>WCVP download (including all distribution) were generated manually fo…
- [x] Metadata:
_Short Name:_ WCVP-Fabaceae
_Full Name:_ The World Checklist of Vascular Plants (WCVP): Fabaceae 2022-05-26
_Version / Issued:_ "/ 2022-05-26" = No version?
_Abstract:_ The World…
I saw in logs that there are update decisions to make some names in WCVP ambiguous synonyms.
For example [Angelica major Lag.](https://www.checklistbank.org/catalogue/3/decision?limit=100&name=Angeli…
Hi Yi Jin,
Thanks a lot for your work on this. It would be really useful if there was a version of the tree using the taxonomy and species names of WCVP (World Checklist of Vascular Plants, Govaert…
Phyteuma matched to Plantae - conflicting available versions?
"count": 5182,
"verbatim_taxonID": "null",
"verbatim_taxonConceptID": "null",
"verbatim_scientificNameID": "null",