In my code, I try to delete a policies via casbin's `removePolicies([["GROUP-1", "DOMAIN-A", "POLICY-A1", "ACT-BIND"], ...])`, but this document not be deleted from database actually. I found the adap…
implement proper RBAC with casbin
Hi, [Casbin](https://github.com/casbin/casbin) is an authorization library that supports models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC.
Related to RBAC, Casbin has several advantages:
1. roles can be cascaded, aka …
Hi, I don't understand how should I use `get_implicit_permissions_for_user` to access only the resources that user has created or is assigned to?
Following are some example policy rules.
In this e…
Hi, [Casbin](https://github.com/casbin/casbin) is an authorization library that supports models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC.
Related to RBAC, Casbin has several advantages:
1. roles can be cascaded, aka …
Hi, I'm from Casbin team. Casbin is a popular authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for 10+ languages including C/C++. See details at: https://casbin.org/
This is an unimplemented feature in casbin golang & casbi…
I'm trying to handle the `Adapter` trait from the main repo.
This is a sample function in the golang version of casbin-server (grpc) -
func (s *Server) NewEnforcer(ctx context.Context, in *pb…
**What's your scenario? What do you want to achieve?**
We want to use a RBAC model, however in order to access an object, the subject must be associated with more than one role. As an example, we wan…
[Casbin](https://github.com/casbin/casbin) is an authorization library that supports models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC.
Related to RBAC, casbin has several advantages:
1. roles can be cascaded, aka role…