I requested this feature firstly [here in the Mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sympy/X3h38SqQBCo) and [this Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/92cehq/using_symp…
bc.. I propose to reverse the order of polynomial coefficients used by polyval
etc. It was changed to the present order for compatibility with Matlab and
SciPy, but I find this convention annoying eve…
Currently polynomial fits work as follows
x = [0, 1]
y = [0, 1]
fit = Polynomial.fit(x, y, deg=1)
print(f"Coefficients for 1-order fit on {x=}, {y=}:")
print(f"Raw: {fit.coef}")
Since Sage 9.2, the [spkg section of the Sage reference manual](https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/spkg/) is automatically generated from the information in the [SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/](htt…
I was talking to @dlfivefifty over at `ApproxFun.jl` where they have an implementation of the hermite transform using gausshermite quadrature. While this is clearly a reliable choice, is there any sco…
Would this package be the right place for fast evaluation of a range of spherical harmonics using recurrence relations? In one algorithm, I need to repeatedly evaluate spherical harmonics at varying a…
jagot updated
4 years ago
### Presentation of the new sampler
DiGS is an auxiliary variable MCMC method where the auxiliary variable $\tilde{x}$ is a noisy version of the original variable $x$. DiGS enhances mixing and helps …
jcopo updated
1 month ago
Ideas go here...
izaid updated
9 years ago
- [x] bernoulli
- [x] catalan
- [x] charpoly
- [x] chebyshevT
- [x] chebyshevU
- [x] collect
- [x] coshint
- [x] cosint
- [x] cross
- [x] dawson
- [x] dilog
- [x] dirac
- [x] divisors
- […
Hi! I installed Starfish in my laptop computer (Ubuntu 16.04). I followed the instructions and had no issues until trying to follow the example for WASP14.
The error appear when trying to run:
$ p…