From Coq-HoTT, it is generalized as a (universal) Algebra type, where additional assumptions has been m…
Currently I am trying to verify verif_sumarray.v (from https://github.com/PrincetonUniversity/VST/blob/master/progs/verif_sumarray.v) but on the first line `Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.` it has…
I was following[ the video tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c_utk9bVgU&list=PLXXF_svQE_b-9A5p2OKU7Tjz-NcE7H2xg) but got this issue:
→ hammer_switch ocaml-base…
There is a great deal of confusion about handling the `Any` type within an `Intersection`.
In Python, `Any` is both a [_top type_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_type) (a supertype of all types…
In the [AContext-2.1 Agda sources](http://relmics.mcmaster.ca/RATH-Agda/AContext-2.1.tar.gz)
(available under GPL, linked from [the RATH-Agda page](http://relmics.mcmaster.ca/RATH-Agda/#AContext-2.1))…
**Project name:** fourcolor
**Initial author(s):** Georges Gonthier
**Current URL:** https://github.com/math-comp/fourcolor
**Kind:** formalization of a mathematical theorem
**License:** C…
**Project name:** Apery
**Initial author(s):** Frédéric Chyzak, Assia Mahboubi, Thomas Sibut-Pinote
**Current URL:** https://github.com/math-comp/apery
**Kind:** pure Coq library, formalizati…
I'm sure you've already spent time thinking about this. I was thinking one way to make it work might be the following:
so these operations
insert v0 "cards" []
insert v0 "cards.0" {}
We have a project [DeepSEA](https://github.com/CertiKProject/deepsea-preview) which is a verifying compiler for systems software written in Coq. And we are trying to add a WebAssembly backend to …
#### Description of the problem
Please include these 2 packages in both the windows installer and Coq platform