## FAQs
## Overview
Added a permission request to android Q devices and passed @needspermission without selecting authorization
### Expected
Enter the @needspermission annotati…
I'm looking for integration docusign into my Android application and not able to find this library anywhere in maven.
Is it public and what should I use for integration?
mig35 updated
4 years ago
## Overview
I use kotlin in combination with kapt.
Suppose you've got some function below:
class SomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
@NeedsPermission(CAMERA, RECORD_AUDIO)
kanat updated
5 years ago
i have add @RuntimePermissions but it seemed have some errors, i have tried "rebuild" "make","clean" "invalied cache and restart" ,but it do not resovle my problem
my build.gradle is this:
fun aFunction(option: kotlin.collections.List) {
fun Activity.aFunctionWithPermissionCheck(option: kotlin.coll…
## Overview
Button to go to contacts to select a phone number. When user accepts permission dialog the code in NeedsPermission does not execute and user has to click the button again.
### Expect…
cervy updated
5 years ago
## FAQs
## Overview
- Describe the issue briefly
### Expected
- What is the expected behavior?
### Actual
- What is the actual behavior?
## Environment
- Which libr…
implementation "org.permissionsdispatcher:permissionsdispatcher:4.3.1"
kapt "org.permissionsdispatcher:permissionsdispatcher-processor:4.3.1"
build error
## Overview
- I added whole gradle dependencies and generated class has successfully added but when I try to build project It gives me 'Unresolved reference: PermissionUtils' I cleared AS and Gradl…