Several `while` loops within `LnPacketizer.RcvHandler.run()` and `LnPacketizer.readByteProtected()` do not provide any mechanism for graceful termination.
This appears to cause problems for `LnPa…
the `build.gradle` and `README.md` speak about a lib folder containing a `purejavacomm.jar` dependency, but it isn't in the repository
In bmegli/ev3dev-mapping#1 @jabrena said:
Today, I will try to connect the RPLidar with the USB Adapter directly in order to know if it is possible to receive data:
On Windows:
lein repl
Retrieving clj-serial/clj-serial/2.0.0/clj-serial-2.0.0.pom from clojars
Tried to use insecure HTTP repository without TLS.
This is almost certainly a mistake; however in r…
* [x] build.serviceMessages
* [x] classfile-postprocessors
* [x] cold - obsolete project
* [x] consulo
* [x] consulo-android - obsolete project
* [x] consulo-antlr4
* [x] co…
I don't think it's [BACnet4J](https://github.com/infiniteautomation/BACnet4J/issues/20) anymore, at least not if you use 4.1.5... I need to dig a bit more to see what it is.
We should also update …
Purejavacomm is used by the jmri project http://jmri.sourceforge.net/
A few users are reporting IOExceptions after one Tx and one Rx message to USB serial ports have happened OK (i.e., communicatio…
When using 0.4.1, we get the following error when running tests:
software.aws.toolkits.jetbrains.services.lambda.execution.sam.PythonSamRunConfigurationIntegrationTest > credentialsArePassed[pyt…
The following is a code snippet from the CommPortIdentifier class method open:
if (info != null)
port = info.m_Driver.getCommPort(m_PortName, info.m_PortType);
port = new PureJavaSerialPo…
I sent the same file 3 times withdiffernt speed settings.
Lines drawn on the display while cutting were sometimes red sometimes green. The original line color was black, which is correctly shown on t…