We know Mimic can be run on a raspi4 in 'real time', we also know that Tacotron(2) probably will never run real time on a raspi4 (or perhaps?), so what does that leave us with?
Has anyone tried th…
Just a handy issue to be notified of latest changes and micro-releases (we will mostly changing the models)
RT,whisper 转文字的时候,标点和时间有时候有点问题,需要通过 vad 先分割语音部分后,再转写。
也能减少 whsper 的幻觉,提高转写速度。
同时可以把 srt 翻译的功能,单独列做一个小功能。
RuntimeError: cuFFT error: CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR
My cuda is 11.8.
How can solve it if I don't want to reinstall my cuda? (Other virtual environments rely on cuda11.8.)
More information:
![Screenshot (471)](https://github.com/ardha27/AI-Waifu-Vtuber/assets/135448403/64807b4e-427d-42c5-8edd-a35a07fd8e95)
i want to use silero so where and what changes i need to do ? please help
Is there a way to limit the duration of the segments produced by VAD?
Sometimes I get segments that are relatively long (50s-60s). Is there a way to get each of these segments to be multiple shorter …
**Which OS are you using?**
- OS: [e.g. iOS or Windows.. If you are using Google Colab, just Colab.]
windows 11
After a long-awaited update, I attempted to generate Chinese subtitles. As time …
간단하게 이게 뭐하는거고 어떻게 사용하는지 예시정도 부탁드려도 될까요?
Some of the notebooks are failing (see status at https://github.com/pytorch/hub/pull/225) I opened issues in the original repos:
- https://github.com/snakers4/silero-vad/issues/283 - done
- https:…
Hi! I've been trying it out on my Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately I can't make it work. The individual parts seems to be working fine, but the pipeline is not working properly. It recognizes the words I a…