想问一下您能否提供一份 c# 的代码示例吗?
昨天我偶然发现了您提供的包含自定义标题栏的 XAML Islands C++ 示例代码,尝试将其转换为 C# 版本时遇到了一些困难。因此,想请教您是否能够提供一份 C# 版本的代码?
# Proposal: Transparent background support in apps using WinUI
## Summary
Currently, WPF applications can have a transparent and borderless window while UWP applications [cannot have that]…
When I tried to build and run MFCXamlIslands.sln, it throws an exception.
> 'MFCApp.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'D:\Development\Xaml-Islands-Samples\bin\x64\Debug\MFCApp\MyApp.dll'
**The current default keybind is ctrl+space, but I feel that if we change it to alt+space, we would be able to solve known issue #3.**
# Investigations
## Writing Tools with the ctrl+space keybi…
My Direct2D game application sometimes stuttered. And, I found that some DrawImage, DrawTextLayout method blocks at least 1ms. I know that these methods just store drawing command into internal buffer…
RN4W is missing support for the "namedOrientationDidChange" event, which is supposed to be raised when the device orientation changes.
Currently, the Modal component uses this event, but apps are a…
I have 2 monitors. One is 4K@60Hz (Monitor 1), another is 2K@144Hz (Monitor 2). If I set display settings to Extend, my Win2D application runs at 60 Hz even in 144 Hz monitor area. But if I set "Show …
Now that other XAML based UI frameworks are moving to .NET5, there needs to be a generic way for the globbing mechanism that keeps the .csproj clean that all the frameworks can use. Since the framewor…
Your example project is not simply compatible with .NET 5.0.
Using the CsWinRT tool does not work.
Using net5.0-windows10.0.19041.0 does not work.
Removing Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts doest not…