I clear my browser every now and then, so I lose my emotes configuration.
Is there any way to export the emotes settings like the BetterTTV settings?
BetterTTV v7.2.52
Doesn´t hide "Room Selector" for me, i think it might be because i was in multiple rooms before while BTTV was installed.
Like this, SoSnowy, IceCold..
There's no information about what these emoticons output over the other
Enable/re-enable, still fails, 100%
I don't seen an open issue for this at the moment.
Firefox 63.0.1 (64-bit)
BetterTTV v7.2.45
Whenever someone uses a normal emote in chat replay it shows up as text with a missing icon. When I remove the BetterTTV extention it goes back to normal.
Uncaught ReferenceError: WeakMap is not defined betterttv.js?0.3931215920019895:180
Do not know what is happening with the extension, did everything in the debugging thread in the forum.
It would be cool if BetterTTV could hide all messages from chat, that contains specified word (or better RegEx?)
Inspired by idiots spamming _!drop_ in chat on ESL Katowice streams
Love BetterTTV! Was thinking it would be nice if there was an option to enable a keybind that would toggle mute for the stream that the viewer is watching.
Had this problem since yesterday. Can't even seem to autocomplete an emote when I hit tab, and the autcompletion options in the BetterTTV settings menu seems to be missing
When you activate the Left Side Chat on BetterTTV, your followed channels goes to the right side, but it doesn't show the description of the channel in that mode.