Total linux newb here, going through neural-style install on WIN 10 machine running Ubuntu on VirtualBox.
Do the terminal command:
~/neural-style$ th neural_style.lua -gpu -1 -print_iter -1
And …
when i make the project, a error occurs.
" FILD/loop-closure-detection/lib/libhnsw.so: file format not recognized; treating as linker script"
soldat@soldat:~/Program/Faster-RCNN_TF$ python ./tools/demo.py --model ./data/faster_rcnn_models/VGG16_faster_rcnn_final.caffemodel
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./tools/demo.py", line…
Hello, I try to use python to run the Alexnet model,My code like this:
import caffe
MODEL_FILE = 'alexnet_four_channel_model.caffemodel'
DEPLOY_FILE = 'config/deploy.prototxt'
I run the code and set the iteration as 200. The training process seems OK. But then Error occurs. I run it on GTX 1080 and on GTX870. But the error is the same. Did Anyone have the same problem?
I use the same param (yolov2.cfg yolov2.weight -> yolov2.prototxt, yolov2.caffemode) , to run the in two different network (Darknet, and https://github.com/eric612/Caffe-YOLOv2-Windows)
The f…
/mindspore/output/mindspore-lite-1.1.0-converter-linux-x64/converter# ./converter_lite --fmk=CAFFE --modelFile=resnet-50-cp.prototxt --weightFile=resnet-50-cp.caffemodel --outputFile=resnet-50-cp
In the Colab, there is this error running 16th block of the code. How this error solves? I couldn't find any `ReadProtoFromBinaryFile` function as it says in the error.
How to fine tune your model?
I don't have sufficient data to retrain your model from scratch.
I want to fine tune your model on my data which has only two classes ?