I found the models in data/quran.. They were named *.pb instead of the one I searched for *.pbmm.
The web example works now with the *.pb file which is awesome!
I get a warning tho (Warning: r…
D Session closed.
I Dummy run finished without problems, now starting real training process.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_a…
Here is my code
from deepspeech import Model
audio_path = 'models/test1.wav'
# 已下载的模型地址(正确的模型文件中有以.pb结尾的文件)
model_path = "models/deepspeech-0.9.3-models.pbmm"
ars = Model(model_p…
I am facing problem in installation of DeepSpeech2 model in python3.5.2.
Speciallfically problem comes from DeepSpeech-develop/decoders/swig/swig_decoders.py
which could not find _swig_decoders.py …
I'm trying to integrate deepspeech in Java, but when I'm starting my Java programm I'm getting following error:
Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no deepspeech-jn…
I want to transcribe a large number of files with deepspeech and I want to use Tensorflow but apparently, transcribe.py does not use GPU and it fills all my CPU cores.
Is there a way for trans…
I'm training on my own data, the loss decreases while training but at the time of inference, the WER comes to 100% and so does the CER.
Also, when I checked the output, it's always an empty string.
There's a known issue that I've just run into (on a chromebook) and many others ran into (both here and on discourse).
If you're using an old / cheap CPU without AVX support, running deepspeech wil…
**Describe the bug**
Deep Speech 2 model fails when using V3.0, at least for torch 1.10 / torchaudio 1.11.
It fails at this line: