java -cp oacurl-1.4.jar com.google.oacurl.Login --service-provider=missing.properties
xception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at net.oauth.signature.OAuthSignatureMe…
I dont like that layout shift, how i can keep Signin with Google button all the time?
1. Open API Explorer
2. Check auth field
3. I don't see BiqQuery read-only…
The Google authentication URL displayed by the script makes Google issue an error message like:
> Error 400: invalid_request
> You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Goog…
Name: Use Case Generator
Title: "Create backend service for better persistence of state"
Labels: C4GT Community
## Description
Currently, this application preserves the …
Solution for errors such as: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'name' of 'response.profileObj' as it is undefined."
and sanity database not updating or redirects to home failing.
Hi everyone,
If the oauth_token that is given by the provider (Yahoo, Google...) contains
special char like "/" (example google token 4/-mHqP0j2743mRoP6XT2pjEbkrFrX).
The provider will answer wi…
Hi everyone,
If the oauth_token that is given by the provider (Yahoo, Google...) contains
special char like "/" (example google token 4/-mHqP0j2743mRoP6XT2pjEbkrFrX).
The provider will answer wi…
1) The variable pLen is not defined in OAuth.js line 1050.
Please add "var " to t…
Hi everyone,
If the oauth_token that is given by the provider (Yahoo, Google...) contains
special char like "/" (example google token 4/-mHqP0j2743mRoP6XT2pjEbkrFrX).
The provider will answer wi…