Both [influenza]( http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0007328) and [influenza infection]( http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0001669) are two separate terms in EFO with two independent lineages (disease vs biologi…
### description
add: Panda凪.json
add: 栗原溧希.json
add: Ankazia.json
add: HIKARI-Channel .json
add: Hololive CN.json
add: Rapha拉法_Official .json
add: Shalala蝦拉拉_ .json
add: Z…
/* Modified factors to account for difference between population in Southeast Asia from Ferguson Model and Swedish population. This adjustment maintains 1/3 transmission in community, 1/3 transmission…
En las reglas de contagio no se especifica nada acerca de la probabilidad que tiene una persona contagiada de coronavirus de contagiarse de influenza. ¿Debemos asumir que es la misma que para una pers…
Thank you for developing TreeCluster. When performing clustering, what does a ClusterNumber of `-1` describe?
![en wikipedia org_wiki_Template_Notable_flu_pandemics](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1420189/75828951-4bc2bb80-5dad-11ea-9c3b-74c26929a661.png)
Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T…
Command was:
`./PopPUNK/poppunk-runner.py --easy-run --r-files test.csv --sketch-size 1000 --output test_out`
Error was:
PopPUNK (POPulation Partitioning Using Nucleotide Kmers)
UI "Patient Registrieren" - Screen Labels & Field alignments
change text 'Registrieren Sie hier neue Patienten in IMIS. Bitte füllen Sie den Bogen vollständig aus. ' -> 'Registrieren Sie hier neue Pa…
Vaccination status - get from both Read codes and vaccination table.
In adults:
* Pneumoco…
### Do you want to request a feature, improve documentation, or ask a question?
I try to add a new Immunization resource that is explained on your official documentation.
**Immunization** resource …