org.springframework.dao.TransientDataAccessResourceException: Error attempting to get column 'user()' from result set. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid value for getInt() - 'mycat@'…
What version of the MyBatis are you using?
Please describe the problem. Unit tests are best!
Would like to use SQL wildcards for attribute 'column' in , in
MyBatis Generator config file.
What version of the MyBatis are you using?
Please describe the problem. Unit tests are best!
Would like to use SQL wildcards for attribute 'column' in , in
MyBatis Generator config file.
# 파일구조
controller - service(service, serviceImpl) - dto - mapper - mapper.xml - DB
## DTO 구현
### 기타사항
date, datetime, time format 필요
break 테이블의 break
break_date로 이름 변경 필요
using the master branch restcomm.dao is failing to compile due to the mentioned test case failing
testReadByEndTime(org.restcomm.connect.dao.mybatis.CallDetailRecordsDaoTest) Time elap…
Think about how to simplify the Quickstart. Have you heard of Flyway?
What version of the MyBatis are you using?
Please describe the problem. Unit tests are best!
if i use
"select id as key, name as value from table"
in a queryForMap Method
on the follow…